The End

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The four remaining members of the famous boyband sat on the stairs of where it all started.

It had been three years.

Three years since one of their brothers was lost to his internal battle.

Lost to suicide.

So, now they sat in the stairwell, staring at a camera trying not to cry.

"Hi everyone." Harry said, breaking the silence and sad stares of the rest of them.

"Well, we're One Direction, and this is our last video diary. As you all know, for three years our completed band was successful, happy, fun and we loved every second of it.

And for three more years, we still carried on as a band, uncompleted, but still doing it for you guys.

We had fun, we truly did.

It was an amazing adventure, and even though we lost one along the way-" Liam cut himself off, fighting back the waterfall of tears.

"We still love you and we want to thank each and every one of you for supporting us. I've seen a lot of directioners go to extreme lengths for us, and it makes my heart swell."

"You guys made us what we are today, and helped us get to where we are today. It's amazing, we've been around the world, played in football stadiums, preformed to millions, met so so many of you.

It's been three whole years since we lost part of our lives, and I can't imagine how the news three years ago would of effected every one of you. Thank you so much.

I love every single one of you, and always will. You're beautiful." Zayn says, running his hand through his jet black hair as a tear slipped out of his eye.

The other two made their speeches, both concluding them with tears spilling out of their eyes.

"Let's dance in style,

Let's dance for a while,

Heaven can wait, we're only watching the sky,

Hoping for the best but expecting the worse,

Are you gonna drop the bomb or not?

Let us die young, or let us live forever,

We don't have the power, but we never say never,

Sitting I'm a sandpit, life is a short trip,

The musics for the sad men,

Forever young, I wanna be forever young,

Do you really wanna live forever,

Forever, or never,

Forever young,

Some are like water, some are like the heat,

Some are a melody and some are the beat,

Sooner or later they all will be gone,

Why don't they stay young,

It's hard to get old without a cause,

I don't wanna perish like a fading horse,

Youth is like diamonds in the sun,

And diamonds are forever,

Forever young, I wanna be forever young,

Do you really wanna live forever,

Forever or never,

Forever young, I wanna be forever young,

Do you really wanna live forever, forever, or never,

So many adventures couldn't happened today,

So many songs we forgot to play,

So many dreams are swinging out of the blue,

We let 'em come true,

Forever young, I wanna be forever young,

Do you really wanna live forever, forever or never,

Forever young, I Wanda be forever young,

Do you really wanna live forever, forever or never,

Forever young, I wanna be forever young

Do you really wanna live forever, forever or never,

Forever young, I wanna be forever young,

Do you really Wanda live forever, forever, forever, forever young."

So, they all sat there, on the stairs in the X-Factor house, making a video diary.

The last video diary to ever be made by One Direction.

Liam, with his hair grown out and straightened, like Justin Bieber, and his plaid shirt.

Harry, with his poofy hair, blazer, and loose pants.

Zayn, with his letterman jacket and his hair as close to perfect as you can get after running your fingers through it repeatedly.

Louis, with his red pants, striped shirt, suspenders, and his hair brushed to the side.

Niall, with his red polo, and beige, baggy pants.

There was only one flaw.

One thing that changed it all, made it worse than it should be.

That one thing was that one of them wasn't real, he was sat on the stairs, see-through as he listened to them sing.

"We love you Niall, we always will, and we will never, ever forget you.

This is the end of One Direction, though, it seems as if it was over three years ago.

We're not One Direction without our little leprechaun, and so really, this is the end of Liam, Zayn, Louis and Harry.

We love you guys, this has been the best six years of our lives, and we will never forget you.

Thank you so much."

The four boys stood up, smiled one last time at the camera while tears were streaming down their faces, and walked up the stairs.

"I love you guys." Those were the last words heard, and they didn't come from any of the British boys mouths.

They came from the last step, from a grinning Irish boy's mouth.

The four of them turned around, smiled genuine, happy smiles, and turned down the hallway, never again to be seen as One Direction.

Never again.

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