Pierced Ear Blondie

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Aiko finally calmed herself down, wiping the remaining wet marks on her face with her handkerchief. She gave one look at the school and she already hated the fact that she was going to spend her entire summer in THAT thing! As she breathed a sigh out, her eyes turned dull and her mouth started to frown. Maybe there might actually be some exciting stuff that goes down, she thought. But deep down she knew that it would just be another hell to deal with, like she already didn't have one at home! 

"Do we have to go to this school?" Aiko moaned as she looked up to Hayato, she put on her best innocent eyes trying to convince him

"I'd much rather we stay here bored and doing work instead of you by yourself at home with HIM" His eyes turned the slightest bit red when he mentioned Osamu but shifted back to his natural colour within seconds. Aiko gave second thoughts and she touched her bruised cheek, if all things go wrong then she could bunk classes and just hang out on the rooftop with someone else.

"It won't be that bad I'm sure, and if anything happens then I'll have your back" He gripped her arm a little stronger. He became slightly scared, what if something did happen to Aiko? What if she was stolen away by a paedophile? What if he couldn't save her...? Hayato shook his head at the thought but became so scared to the point in which he started to stiffen up and eventually stopped in his steps.

"Are you okay?" Aiko questioned. She looked up to his worried face and shook his arm a little. He untensed, looked back at her and gave the tiniest smile. No, if anything happens to Aiko, I WILL protect her no matter what!  He thought to himself, a fire sparked deep inside him which fueled him that bit more for some reason. With that feeling in mind he had to ask if her cheek was any better but she replied with an unsure face only revealing that the redness had gotten even worse. Hayato casually placed his ice cold hand on her cheek feeling the warmth against his gentle palm. The two sibling edged their way towards the school and filled with mixed emotions 

Aiko, finally feeling recovered, let go of Hayato's arm and clenched onto her plain white backpack with her two hands and ran to the school. She wanted to do something fun before school started to why not have a little race? "Hey Hayato!" she called loudly "I'll race you to the gates of the school!" Aiko  started to run faster and faster when she noticed that Hayato was running as well, just as she turned forward she bumped into a strange boy

It wasn't the strange lady from before. Thats for sure!

But instead it was

A pierced ear blondie

(OMFG I ACTUALLY HATE MYSELF IM SOOOOOOO SORRY GUYS! D: God knows what happened to my writing skills. This chapter in kinda short because I wanted to drop the situation as quickly as possible so I tried to think of random ways to get to school without making it boring but Im already sure your bored out of your mind by now ; - ; sorry....ALTHOUGH! I will make a new chapter and thats when the characters start to roll in :3 Im super excited for it! Until then byeeeeee! :D) 

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