Can You Heal Beast Boy?

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Raven had completely destroyed Beast Boy. He loved her. Every time he thought her walls were weakening, she quickly built them up again. He held on for so long and tried so hard. The night Raven told him that she loved him, was the day he no longer looked at another woman. She was in every thought and every corner of his mind. He waited patiently. Until...

"Garfield... I'm sorry. But I cannot give myself to love in this lifetime... You've been a good friend to me. That doesn't change..."

Beast Boy cut her off, "No! I've waited and I'll wait forever, Raven. You have my heart and I'm willing to wait. I love you and I know you love me."

Raven was touched, but felt her emotions overcome her, then became angry and impatient. "NO. You've been a distraction. My feelings are growing uncontrollable and meditation has not been enough. You have to let go." Raven's demon eyes grew red as a black aura surrounded her. She felt frustrated and annoyed. Couldn't he see how hard this was for her? Her anger consumed her as she threw Beast Boy away from her causing him to fall through the window.

Beast Boy had tears in his eyes. He quietly strolled the streets, becoming lost, but he didn't care. He struggled to breathe and in that moment didn't care to be alive. After walking for hours, his legs grew weak and buckled beneath him. He sat there on the wet cold asphalt road. The streets were empty around him, though a strip of stores were still closing across from him.


You were closing up shop. It was a great day selling vegan baked goods such as cupcakes and doughnuts. Tired and exhausted you packed a box of sweets to take home with you since cooking dinner would be too much work right now. You step out of the store and a cold breeze slices through your coat causing you to shiver.

As you lock the door, you hear a faint... sobbing? You look over to where you think the sound is coming from, but it's too dark to see. You squint your eyes and see a shadowy figure. Is someone hurt? You hurry over. With concern in your voice you ask, "Hello? Are you hurt? Do you need help?" No answer. As you get closer your vision becomes clear and you see Beast Boy of Teen Titans.

"Oh my gosh!" You drop your box of sweets and run over to him. You kneel down and grab his arms. "Beast Boy, are you hurt? C'mon! We need to get you to a hospital. My car is right over there!" you say pulling on him, but he won't budge. "Oh my gosh!" You start to panic.

Beast Boy slowly opened his eyes. He blinks away his tears to see you. He whispers, "My heart hurts." You let out a small yelp, "Oh no, you're having a heart attack! Hold on, I'll call 911!" As your fumble through your purse and drop your phone in the process, Beast Boy lets out the tiniest chuckle.

You mutter, "Oh no. No, no, no," as your phone dies and your panic grows. Finally, Beast Boy stands up and pulls you up with him. He says, "I'm not having a heart attack and I'm not hurt. I'm just... sad." You look at him and he looks away. You whisper, "oh..." Suddenly realizing what a fool you've made yourself, you blush. "But thank you," Beast Boy starts to walk away. You try to stop him. You couldn't let him be on his own looking so distraught. "Wait, Beast Boy... Why don't you come in from the cold? Have a snack, my bakery is right there. It's all vegetarian and vegan friendly..." You see the hurt in his eyes and it seems he was going to continue walking away until you both hear his stomach growl loudly. "It's the least I can do for one of our greatest heroes!" He smiles and follows you.

He seemed so different than what you and the public knew of Beast Boy. A quiet and more serious man replaced his goofy smile, silly demeanor, and charming innocence. You didn't want to cross the line and ask what was wrong. He probably wouldn't tell a complete stranger anyway. So you just smiled and introduce yourself. "I'm __________." Beast Boy smiled a little and said, "Hi ________. It's nice to meet you." For the first time that night, he really looked at you. His heart skipped a beat, now noticing your hair, your smile, your eyes...

Reader x Beast Boy Love Story (one shot)Where stories live. Discover now