Chapter 13

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I closed my eyes and waited for the impact, but there wasn't one.

I slowly opened my eyes to see that he was tackled to the ground by a wolf pack. But not just any wolf pack. I could've recognized them anywhere. 

It was Crescent's pack. 

As the wolves tore my father apart, Crescent proudly looked at them, then me. 

"I'm sorry I doubted you girl," I said softly into her ear. 

She licked my face, and I was forgiven. 

Then, all the wolves took a limb of my dad's, restraining him, and looking at me. Then out of nowhere, my mother showed up, looking normal. 

My father immediately stopped moving and stared at her in awe. He started tearing up and whispered,


She looked back at him with tears of her own and ordered the wolves. 

"Take him with us to the palace." She told them. 

She slowly walked over to him and before sedating him, whispered,

"I'm sorry." 

When we were sure he wasn't awake, the wolves dragged him along across the woods, to the hill. Crescent did the passcode and we went in the door. After coming out of the waterfall and into the castle, we woke him up inside the living room. 

Him and my mother locked eyes and stayed like that. 

"Um, sorry to interrupt whatever this is, but are we going to do something about him?" I asked breaking the silence. 

They both quickly replied with a frantic "No!" 

I looked at my mother confused, looking for an explanation. 

"Scarlette, can I please just talk to him for a minute?" She asked. 

"No, he is a psychotic, cruel, pathetic, manic that deserves to die. We kill him now. Not in a minute, not in a week, not in a month, not in a year, NOW." I replied forcefully. 

She looked at him, then back at me with tears and asked,

"Can we put him in the dungeon, then talk to him for a minute?"

 I thought about it. We could do that, and as soon as she leaves, I would freeze him, throw him back into the mortal world, and finish this.

"Alright fine. But ONE minute okay?" I said. 

They both nodded vigorously and we brought him to the dungeon. I made sure the cell was locked, then gave them their privacy. Still, I listened in on the conversation. 

"I thought you were dead?" My father started. 

"How are you alive? What is this place? Why would you leave me?" 

He said the last part with a crack in his voice. 

"I had to, I know it was hard on you with Scarlette and everything but, I had to." My mother replied. 

She started sobbing and when I looked over, my father was comforting her in his arms, through the cells. When she stopped crying, she asked him,

"Why would you do that to our daughter?" She had a noticeable trace of anger in her voice. 

"I..I. I don't know, it just happened...I was depressed after you died, and I guess the drinking made me take it out on her..." He replied while looking down in what seemed to be embarrassment. Now my mother was angry. 

"Don't feed me that crap! You abused her even when you were sober! SHE WAS SEVEN WHEN YOU HIT HER! SEVEN! SHE IS YOUR DAUGHTER! HOW COULD YOU TREAT HER LIKE THAT! HAVE YOU SEEN WHAT YOU'VE CAUSED HER!?" My mother's voice had quickly risen to a scream and with that, she stomped back up, and slammed the doors shut. 

It was quiet for a second until a heard a sob. 

I looked over and saw my father crying. I decided  not to address it, and quickly ran back upstairs to comfort my mother. 

"Are you alright?" I asked her softly. She quickly replied. 

"Yes, I'm fine. What he did wasn't right. We need to execute him."

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