Sword Art Online:Volume 1 Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

The newly opened living area on the 75th floor was a city reminiscent of ancient Rome. According to the map, its name was «Collinia». The entire city was already filled with activity, thanks to the large numbers of fighters and merchants that have settled in, as well as others who took no part in clearing the game but had come to sight-see. On top of all that, a rare special event would be held here today, so guests had been pouring out of the teleport gate since this morning.

The city was mostly constructed from square bricks of white limestone. One building stood out amongst its temple-like buildings and wide waterways; that was the huge coliseum which towered in front of the gate plaza. It was perfect for holding the duel between Heathcliff and me. But...

"Fire-breathing popcorn for ten Col a cup! Ten Col!"

"Cold black beer for sale~!"

Numerous merchants were selling their goods in front of the coliseum entrance; they were calling out to the long line of spectators and selling them strange looking refreshments.

"...This, what on earth is this...?"

Shocked by the sight unfolding before me, I could only ask Asuna, who was standing beside me.

"I-I don't know..."

"Hey, isn't that a KoB member selling the tickets!? How on earth did it turn into such a large event!?"

"I-I don't know..."

"Is this Heathcliff's real goal...?"

"No, I think that the head of finances, Daizen-san, is the one behind this. He wouldn't miss an opportunity like this."

As Asuna laughed, I sagged my shoulders and felt completely powerless.

"...Let's run away Asuna. We can go live in some small village on the 20th floor and plow fields."

"I'm fine with that, but..."

Asuna then added teasingly:

"You'll make a rea~lly bad name for yourself if you run away now."


"Well, it's your own fault, isn't it? Ah... Daizen-san."

As I lifted my head, I saw a fat man who was waddling towards us; he was so wide that it was impossible to find a person less suited to wear the red-white uniform of the KoB.

With a wide smile covering his round face, he started talking to us:

"Thanks ta Kirito-san we're makin' lotsa money! If ya jus' did it once every month I'd be really thankful!"

"No way!!"

"Come, come, the waitin' room's over here. Come on, this way please."

I resigned myself to my fate and followed him. I didn't even care about what would happen anymore.

The waiting room was a small place that faced the arena. After Daizen escorted me to the entrance, he said something about adjusting the betting prices and disappeared. I didn't even have the energy to curse him anymore. From the waiting room, I could hear countless indistinct cheers outside. It seemed that the audience seating was already filled.

When only the two of us remained, Asuna grasped my palm with both her hands and spoke with a serious expression.

"...Even if it's a First Strike match, it'll be dangerous if you get directly hit by a strong critical strike. Especially since many of the leader's moves aren't even known, you should forfeit as soon as you feel something is wrong, understood? I'll never forgive you if you do something dangerous again like last time!"

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