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Later that day Sarah was cleaning out her brother's bedroom whilst he had gone to a friend's house.

"It's not fair" she muttered, "I never had anyone to clean up after me when I was younger. He should learn to clean his own room."

"Such a pity" the whisper echoed around her.

Sarah looked around with an annoyed expression. She was starting to get tired of the voice, although something about it comforted her. A fluttering outside of her brother's window drew her attention; there was the barn owl again - staring at her.

Sarah smiled a little to herself. "You seem to have taken a liking to me haven't you?" The owl of course did not reply. Not that she expected it to. "Sorry but I can't let you in. I can't just start letting wildlife into the house."

The owl held her gaze for a long time before flying away.

Sarah sighed. "Shame, an owl would make a nice pet." She shrugged and went back to cleaning. When she finally finished Sarah went back to her room and picked up the mysterious book that might have the answers she was looking for. Sarah lay down on her bed and began reading, turning every page with care and taking in every word.

Sarah became so enchanted with her little red book that she didn't notice the owl staring at her. It had perched itself on the branch outside her window. His eyes were intelligent it was more than just a dignified creature. A mixture of frustration and desire reflected in his eyes as he watched the woman read a book of fairytales and adventure - a wrongfully told love story.

"The goblin king..." Sarah muttered under her breath as she read. "Jareth." Sarah sighed and closed the book; something was all too familiar about that name. She had definitely read this book before. Sarah looked towards the window. The owl had gone and the moon had taken the sun's place. "I must've been reading longer than I thought." Sarah put down the book and went downstairs to make dinner. She wasn't too hungry so she made herself soup and watched some TV as she ate. Her father and step-mother had gone out for dinner and would pick Toby up on their way home. Sarah didn't see the point in making a desert for one so she grabbed a peach from the fruit bowl and then went to back to her bedroom to read. Sarah fell asleep with the book resting on her chest.

Sarah once again found herself in the glass ballroom. This time the music seemed louder but beside that it all seemed to look the same. Sarah began weaving through the dancers once again as she searched for her partner. This time she knew what she was looking for but not who. Then through the crowd she spotted a man dressed in a stunning midnight blue frock coat decorated with grand jewels. He wore a white silk top with ruffles coming from the collar. He wore black skin tight trousers with boots to match. His blonde hair was wildly styled with blue highlights and his eyes gaze bore into her soul. Sarah became entranced by the man, her lips parted as she stared at him, eager to see his face yet he hid behind his mask. Before Sarah could move towards him a couple danced in front of her and blocked her view. When the couple passed the man was gone.


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