Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 :) leave a comment if you want a bit of drama in this story or if you don't :D

The plane finally landed and i was woken up by Ashton nudging me trying to get my head off his shoulder. I slowly opened my eyes to see Ashton smiling at me with Michael Laughing behind

"What?" I asked curious to what i had missed and why Michael was laughing obviously at me

"You've been asleep for hours and it has taken us five minuites to get you up" Michael carried on laughing as i nudged his stomach getting up out of my seat to grab my carry on lugguage.

We walked off the plane and met with Ellie,Luke and Calum just ouside the plane runway i noticed ashton had grabbed my hand and squeezed it tighter, he looked nervous and i was completely oblivious to the situation 'till i looked up to see hundreds of sceeming fans trying to pass through our security.

"Keek walking guys, don't stop" One of the Guards said helping us through the swarm of fans chucking peices of paper at us. I grabbed as many of them that got thrown at me and stuffed them into the fron of my suitcase.

I never realised how many Fans the boys actually had since agreeing to tour with the big boyband one direction.

"Just grab your luggage off the conveyer belt and don't loose each other" A differnet guard said leading us to where we had to grab our luggague. The boys had to go and speak to someone i believed was their tour manager of some sort. What i gathered was that there was a car waiting for us outside which would take us to our hotel and then the boys would get another car to a studio and would talk to one direction and dicuss their dates and go through some of the songs, which left me and Ellie to do some catching up to do, here in london.

I grabed my suitcases and went to find ashton who appeared to be still talking to the man, i took my chance to speak to some fans as they seemed alot differnet from the ones in Aus, they seemed to keep their distance other than in Australia where they would jump on you haha

"AIMEE! AIMEE! COME HERE!" Was all i could here walking towards the gates, my stomach did fliped as i walked closer to the gates, the sight of this many people gave me goosebumps. Never the less i carried on and ignored the guards telling me to stay away

"Hi" I said to no one in particualar but got a ton of responces mainly screems. loads of people asked for photos which i happily accepted and i got given loads of sweets and notes saying to follow them on twitter.

It was actually heaps of fun and most of the fans seemed happy to be happy about mine and ashtons relationship. i hadent realised i had been talking to them for half an hour until everone screemed and pointed behind me, i looked back to see Ashton and Calum walking towards Us.

Ashton walked up next to me and placed his hand around my waist, I smiled un willingly as he still gave me butterflyes evertime he even looked at me with his sparkling blue eyes.

After ashton came over all the boys wondered over to us and signed pictures and took a few photos with all the fans, We were there for about five minuites before security said we had to go to the cars, i grabbbed my suitcase of Ashton and he gave me a smirk a i tripped, i wasn't the most poised person in the world.

We reached the hotel and cambered out of the car and into the hotel, me and Ellie kept walking into the hotel as the boys stopped to talk to some fans, i was gonna have to get used to this. We sat on the couches in the lobby and grabbed my phone out and went on twitter

i quickly tweeted

"Just landed in London, scary to see how big the boys have got and how many fans they actually have so proud of them :)"

i clicked tweet and noticed i had gained 20K followers and now had 50K! it had prved how far they had come as they were touring with one direction but i had to keep my mouth shut about that as none of the fans knew they all thought the boys were in the UK to record an album, which they were they were just touring aswell.

I followed a couple of people spamming me for follows and answered some questions most of the fans were lovely and i rarely got any hate.

"Hey aimee, i got our room key, are you coming?" I looked up to see ashton standing there waving the key in my face

"Yeah!" i laughed and ran to the lift and quickly clicked the button a little hard

"Floor 5" i heard ashton yell behind me lobbing the key in my direction. i picked it up and went up to the 5 floor racing ashton as he ran up the stairs.

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