A Little About Me

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I've been wanting to write this book for a while, but I've been scared to because I'm scared that if the people I know will read this and start to judge or talk bad about me and I really scared of what people think about me. I know real classic Kyndel, but it's kinda different for me I'm literally scared of what people think about me and that stops me from doing thing I really want to do like for example. One day I was listening to one of my favorite songs and I saw sombody from my school so I immediately turned the song to a stupid pop song off the radio. But enough about that lets start over.
Hi my name is Kyndel Jo Basye and I am 15 my favorite type of music it pop punk and my favorite band is 5 seconds of summer (and they are not a boyband there a punk band) my favorite color is black and the reason why is not because I'm emo (which I'm not) its because it takes all the colors in the world to make that color. My favorite animal is a penguin. My best friend is Cayla Kang but this summer she moved all the way to Illinois and I live all the way in Texas. I've been depressed for a long time and I've only told Cayla but now its free to the world. Like I said evebody thinks I'm the most happy person in the world but that's all fake the real me is sad, depressed, and I hate myself. If anything goes wrong I always will blame myself. I get bullied by my own sister and the messed up part is that she's 12, and she'll calls me fat , ugly, stupid, etc. Even when my friends are playing around and say wow Kyndel your so dumb I sometimes take them seriously. Every night I cry my self to sleep or don't sleep at all and if I do sleep its only for a few hours.

That's it for this chapter vote and/or comment if you want me to write more. I'll probably update sometime next week Let's try to get this to 20 reads.

~By tacos ( that's what I'm going to call my fans/followers) Kyndel

Song quote of the week is

Everybody's got their demons
Wide awake of dreaming
~Jet Black Heart 5sos

The Real UsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora