part 3

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//Addy's POV//

When I get home I feel happy that Calum actually talked to me, but sad because I know that he won't change his mind about the freaking football game. I wish he would just come, I would probably just rather go to his house and watch netflix and eat pizza but he won't even talk to me so why would he invite me into his home? I'm afraid to text him first, as stupid as it sounds it is actually important. But I have a boyfriend back home, a boyfriend I almost forgot about because of Calum, a boyfriend that is half way across the world but is still there. We just couldn't end things we have been through to much. He's so sweet and he told me he loved me, but that's one thing I could never say back. I've never told anyone that, not until I know for sure. But overtime he tells me a pang of guilt rushes through my body because I do feel strongly for him I just don't know id it's love.My phone ringing brings me back into reality. Who could be calling me right now? Who calls people. I look down to my phone to see Cal written across my phone. He's calling me?

Cal: Hey, uhm, this is weird.

Addy: Yeah kinda.

Cal: So you're going to the football game tonight?

Addy: Yeah

Cal: Would you still like me to join you?

Addy: That would be great.

Cal: What time does the stupid thing even start.

Addy: 7.

Cal: I'll text you if I go.

I can't be this happy about this, I'm pretty sure it's not even aloud, yet i'm internally screaming. But Troye is on the other side of the world being extremely loyal and here I am more excited than ever because a bot said he might be able to  come to a football game that he may or may not even hang out with me at.


I run up to my room after my study date with Alexa, my only friend at this school even though I'm kind of friends with everyone because I'm nice to everyone. When I get to my room I jump on my bed and turn on Blink-182 on my computer. I start dancing around like a complete idiot. *chime chime*

Cal: Not to sound completely stalkerish but what is your address, just for the future.

Addy: 463 Campbell Rd.

What the hell does he mean for the future, for the future? What future? What? We can't have a future, I have a boyfriend. He probably meant as friends, yes friends.

I re-curl my hair into the spirals it was in earlier but fell out during the 8 hours at school.

"Addison, you have a visitor!" I hear my mother tell. Who could be here right now? oh, no.

//Calum's POV//

As soon as school gets out I go to Ash's house to see the boys and get advice, wow that does not sound normal. When I get there I go to the basement, like every teenager who walks through the front door does. When I walk down the steps and look at the boys I see Luke And Mikey doing a rematch of FIFA and Ashton laying on the couch with his phone, I hear nothing but the arguments of FIFA between Luke and Mikey, how pleasant.

"Hey, uhm, I, uhm, need some, uhm advice?" I say in a questioning voice, showing that I don't do this often. Ashton is the first one to notice me and he basically screams. Both Mikey and Luke look too and big cheesy grins appear across their faces. I know I don't come by a lot but I didn't think they would be this happy to see me when I did.

"Yeah, yeah, what about? You know it's not everyday you, ya know talk." Ash says with the loudest giggle in the world.

"Yeah, I, uh, know, sorry," Why am I apologizing, what's happening? "It's, uhm, Addison she, uhm wants me to go to the footb-" I get cut off mid sentence by Luke.

"The football game, like tonight. And your not like ready. You're going right?" He says with seven thousand questions in between.

"Yes, yes, and I don't know." I try to confuse him as much  as he did me. He looks up and smiles.

"Well you have to text her now, like now. You have he number right?" I nod and internally smile at my 'achievement' of getting her number and not choosing to be a douchebag to her.

"Let me see your phone." Luke says completely serious and obviously the one of the three guys that cares the most about the situation, I hand him my phone though.

I snatch my phone and read the messages when I hear it chiming. Luke has the biggest smile on his face. He is the biggest romantic i've ever met.

Cal: Not to sound completely stalkerish but what is your address, just for the future.

Addy: 463 Campbell Rd.

"Stalkerish! Really Luke! Stalkerish!" I kind of yell but laugh at the same time.

Omg future? What the hell. No this is not okay. And she answered. Oh hell no, she live in that rich fucking subdivision with a bunch of rich assholes. I'm not going the-. I'm cut out of my thoughts by a rude Luke.

"You're going right? You have to." he basically screams at me. I guess he's right.

I get in my car and put the address in my navigation system. I'm still freakishly nervous.

When I pull up to the house I basically have a panic attack, literally. I take a couple of minutes to breathe and check the address to the mailbox a few meow times before realizing that I am standing in front of Addison Bay's house. I walk up to the door and see a knocker that looks like it's stuck ing the fucking 1700's.

When I knock a much older looking version of Addy opens the door, I'm assuming her mum.

"Hello, who are you?" She says rudely before I have a chance to get words out of my mouth.

"I'm, uhm, Calum. I'm Calum. Is Addy,  I mean Addison here?" I ask.

"Yes she is." she looks me up and down taking in my appearance with her judgy eyes. She steps aside offering me to come in and yells for Addy to come down from her room. I spoke to soon about the 1700's shit. Their house is completely modern and sharp, kind of intimidating actually. Addison walks down the stairs with a nervous smile and newly curled hair. How did I notice that? Why did I notice that?

"Hi." She says nervously, why is she so nervous all of a sudden? Did I do something?

"Uhm, hey." I respond, dumbfounded.

"I'll take you to my room, it's uh, upstairs." She says and looks to the stair case that is basically glass. When we get to her room it has a totally different theme, a bookcase is her back wall, lined with all of the classics. A lamp sits on a wooden desk and is flicked on which gives the light to the room. She must notice that I'm zoned out because she slightly coughs to get my attention.

"Yes?" I say kind of rudely.

"Why are you here?" She snaps at me.

"I don't know." I answer truthfully.

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