Chapter 2: The Lionhearted Boy

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Do you ever realize how life can be an endless cycle of the same routine. You get up in the morning, freshen up, eat breakfast, get to work. Then finish work, after that you head back home and eat your diner by yourself, head to bed, and done. And the next day it will be the whole same thing. 

But some few lucky people have that one rare moment when everything changes, your whole life will change like a rock getting thrown into a lake and creating ripples in the water that weren't there before.

I was one of those few lucky people... and right in front of me was my ripple.

I was casually strolling through my college campus C.C.I.S. Department for film, theater, athletics, and performing arts here in the center of los Angeles. I'm a senior this year, trying to graduate with a degree in baseball. I've always loved baseball as a kid and when I started to grow up and make decisions I finally decided when I was seventeen to follow that path as a career.

Of course both mom and dad were thrilled for me and didn't care what I wanted to do in life as long as I was safe and happy. But they weren't too accepting when I came out to them about my sexuality. 

At first we were unstop arguing every day, mostly just me and dad. Dad had a problem with it because as usual religious people would say it's not how "God designed us to reproduce." and a relationship should only be between a male and female. 

But I deny that. I fine it completely fine no matter what gender is in the relationship, I just wish Mom and dad would think about it the way I do. Mom is less strict and not as tense on the topic as dad is and she kindly tried not to make it as a big deal like dad was.

 That's one of the few things l like about Mom. She tries not to get into arguments with dad, he's too damn stubborn all the time so my mom tries to agree with him on some occasions, trying not to upset my father. 

I still recall my father arguing on his behalf saying if I chose to be "gay" in my life, I have to deal with the ups and downs with it. The downs such as getting criticism, having a harder  life, a much more possibility of attracting sexual diseases  like aids and std's. I find that all bullshit

Your sexuality doesn't make your life harder  depending on what sex your attracted to, life is life. There's always going to be that arrogant, pathetic asshole who's going to ruin your day. Sexuality doesn't come in the picture, I disagree with that. That's why I despise my dad sometimes, I think he's thinking of what life used to be like back then. Its the twenty-first century, things have change.

When I was a little kid, maybe no more than ten years old I could still remember one stunning memory of that time. I had a very attractive, handsome neighbor. He decide to cut his lawn on one very bright, sunny day. Hot as lava, beaming from the sun. So scotching it makes your mouth parched and watery. Makes you panting like a dog.

He was somewhere in his mid twenty to thirties, well build and slightly light tan. He had biceps as tall as mount Everest and could stop an incoming truck. His chest was sturdy and edgy. His glistening skin coated in his rich sweat, teardrops sliding down his smooth, unblemished, hairless chest. I couldn't keep my eyes off of him as he continue to mow his lawn, the best part was that he was shirtless the entire time.

I had to peek behind my curtains like a predator sneaking up on its prey, making sure not to get caught in the act. My hungry eyes was sucking him up in the most delicious way possible. He some how was so intoxicating and alluring I could feel it, the way my balms would get covered in sweat from anxiety. The way my heart raced... it was... exhilarating.

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