Stuck Inside

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Dean's POV:

I opened my eyes. Bright sunlight shone across our bed. Cas's arm was laid across my chest in an awkward way. I gently moved his arm and pressed my lips to his forehead. He was warm. I smiled.

"Mornin', Cas." I whispered.

He stayed still, but his mouth opened. His eyes were still shut.

"Good morning." Castiel said, his voice filled with sleep.

I kissed his lips and sat up. I got out of bed and walked downstairs. The blood rushed to my head and it pounded. There were shuffled footsteps behind me. They sounded heavy against the hardwood floor.

We both walked into the kitchen. I stopped to make breakfast while Cas walked over to the counter. He leaned up against it and watched me get the ingredients to make pancakes. I heard him giggle behind me.

"You should let me help..." He said. I smiled.

"Ok. Come over here." I motioned for him to stand with me by the stove top. "Crack these eggs into the bowl while I get the flour, please."

I walked to the pantry and looked for the flour. I didn't here any eggs cracking. I grabbed the flour and turned around. Castiel stood in front of me with an egg in his hand. Before I knew it, he was throwing all the eggs at me and I was laughing with tears in my eyes. I opened the flour and took out handfuls. White powder went flying through the kitchen. An all out food war broke out between us. We yelled in shock as a new food would hit us.

When we both finally stopped, food was spread out all over the kitchen. We laughed together. I walked over to Cas. His face was covered with flour, water, juice, and cinnamon. I laughed at him as our lips colided. We both laughed and smiled through the kiss as we thought about us.

He pulled apart and began to clean up. I leaned over and pitched in. Within an hour, everything was clean again. I walked over to the living room. Out the bay window, I saw a fresh blanket of snow. It was a monochromatic white, beautiful. There had to be at least a foot, no way I was going to work today.

"Babe, look!" I shouted, pointing outside. I sounded like an excited five year old.

Castiel walked over and wrapped his arm around my waist. He smiled at the sight.

"There's fresh coffee over there, if you want it." He said quietly.

I walked to the counter to grab the freshly brewed coffee. When I came back to the living room, Cas was sitting on the couch. I crawled up beside him. Together we drank our coffee, cuddled, and watched stupid morning shows.

After about an hour, I pulled him off the couch. He stared at me with an odd look.

"Come on, Angel. Let's make a blanket fort." I said with a gentle smile to follow.

His face lit up. A wide smile spread from ear to ear. We set our cups down and ran throughout the house, looking for blankets, pillows, and things to hold up our fort. When it seemed like we got every blanket and pillow in the house, we began the construction to our fortress.

This process brought us laughter. We would run into each other as we moved in the fort. We would playfully argue about how the other would mess something up.

About two hours later, it was finished. The whole thing was massive. It ran from the kitchen to the living room. We stood up and stretched. Just then, I noticed that Cas was only wearing a t-shirt and briefs. I glanced at his ass as he continued to stretch. Once he was done, I walked over and slapped his butt. He stared at me with shock and a smirk on his face

"Dat ass, though." I muttered, a grin growing on my face. Cas laughed and crawled into the tent.

"You better come back here, Castiel!!" I shouted. I dropped to the floor to crawl into the blanket fort. I moved through the dim light.

I saw Cas in front of me. He giggled. I got really quiet and then jumped on him. We laughed so hard as he tried to push me off. Part of our fort fell down as we flailed around. From the outside, it probably looked very very wrong. We laughed even harder as Cas gave up. I pressed my lips against his. We kissed sweetly under our little blanket house.

Eventually I rolled off him and we laid beside each other. We cuddled lazily together. We fell asleep and didn't wake again until the next morning.

Our love wasn't all rainbows and butterflies, but days like this make me think it is.

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