Firebop: Severa's adventures

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Severa was 5 now. She was growing up too fast. I loved her so much. Severa got up this morning and ran over to me. I picked her up and set her in my lap. "How's my little girl today?" I asked her. "Good." She said."Mommy, tell me a story!" She sat with her head on my shoulder. "Ok. What kind of story do you want?" I asked her. "Jin the warrior!" She answered. I began telling her all about him. "Jin loved the woman, and fought by her side every day. But Jin was a mortal. He could get hurt, and never completely get better. One time, an enemy slashed his shoulder. The girl took him back to his home, and helped him clean it up and wrap up his shoulder. It was then that Jin finally told the woman his name, and that he loved her. The woman had to think for just a second, then replied
"I love you too." The woman left, and thought about Jin all night. What if he was killed?" I left the story there. Severa was quiet a moment before saying "Mommy, the woman in the story...It's you!" I looked at her for a moment. "Yes, baby, it was me." I said. "So if you're the lady in the story, what happened to Jin the warrior?" Severa asked. I was quiet for a moment. I then continued the story. "Jin and I were in battle, side by side. I was fighting one guy, and he was fighting the other one. The enemy he fought was too strong for him. He was knocked to the ground. He was covered in blood, and he could hardly move. I ran over to him, put him on Magic, and rushed him home with me. I laid him on my bed. I knew what was coming. I was so scared. The last words he said to me were "I never wanted to leave you." And now that I think about it, he never did." Severa looked up at me. I realized then that Jin had always been with me, even after his death. He led me in the right direction, and he was forever on my side, even though he wasn't here physically. I had a very beautiful family. My husband and young daughter. I had all I ever wanted, and I'd still been trying to move on. But I already had. I was a mother to a beautiful young girl, blossoming into the young lady she would grow to be. I had a husband, whom I was madly in love with. I was content. I had some beautiful things in my life, my husband and daughter being the greatest of those things to me. I loved them both dearly. I shed a few tears as I watched Stahl and Severa sat with each other, playing with a little doll I made for Severa a few years ago. They were certainly my biggest blessing.

Dear reader,

I hope you enjoyed this series. I had so much fun writing this, and can't wait to write more things like this. And thank you to all my wonderful readers for actually taking the time to read this.


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