chapter 28: the hide and seek game (part 1)

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Sakura's pov

"I'm just wondering where that brat hide."
I mumbled at myself while i was lying on a beach bench at the side of the pool and starring at my 'chirou whose swimming graciously.

It's my second day here at this villa but still.
i did'nt see her.
Even a shadow of that stupid bride.

All i just do is lay down here all day with my bathing suit on. (Even though i'm not going to swim) wearing my favorite beach hat while sipping a drink and frying my beautiful skin with the heat of the burning sun.
Well.. to make it short., -sun bathing.

"More glass of lemonade ?? miss sakura ??"
Asked mr. Sam.,

"I did'nt came here for this."
I replied him with a different topic.

"But you always come yearly for this., you said that you really like watching young master ichirou swim right ??"

I sighed and rolled my eyes.,
Yeah that's true. I always visit here just to watch him swim over and over again. i just liked it.
But somehow., this year., i find it boring.
Maybe because., there's some other task that i need to do in this house.

"Hmmm.. yeah i know. But not this year."
I answered him as i stood up and put the glass at the mini table beside the bench.

"Where are you going miss sakura ??"

"I just have to find something."

"What kind of thing is it ?? I can go and find it for you."

"Iyie., i am the only one who can find it.
Because that thing,
is what i hate and iritating me the most."

"Huh ?? Then why are you still going to seek for it if you hate it ??"
He asked me with a face of like solving a big mathematical problem.

"Because if i finally found it.
I'll crack it onto pieces, in that case., i have nothing to be iritated with.
Isn't that a wise idea ??"
I said and let out a smirk.
He just stared at me like he was still processing the things that i have told him. Stupid.

"Oi !! Doku no iku no ??"
(Hey!! where are you going ??)
chirou asked casually.

"I'm surprised that you're interested now at me and you're asking where am i going.. i really thought that you don't care about my presence.. or even minding us breathing in the same air."
I said sarcastically with my arm crossed.

"Yeah., i don't effin care about you.
I'm just thinking that you'll might go at lady ckarisma and hurt her again. That's all."
He said in a cold voice. He's pissing me off.

"And what if i hurt her ?? She deserves that. But don't worry., hindi ako mag aaksaya ng oras para lang sa kanya., i'll just get my lotion.
You dont care for me right ?? So i think you'll not be bothered by my lotion."
Tinalikuran ko siya at tsaka padabog na umalis.
Hindi ako mag aaksaya ng oras sa kanya ?? I lied.

"Miss sakura., you can just stay here., i can get it for you."
pagpipigil ni mr. sam

"Ya'know, i also want you to do something."

"Yes.. anything miss sakura."

he said and i wave my one finger at him as a signal of 'come closer' .
I croached to reach his ear and whispered in a sarcastic tone.

"Get lost."



The Sacrificial BrideTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon