Chapter 1

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{Louis' POV}

 "Mr. Tomlinson, may I talk to you for a second?", my maths teacher Mrs.Fitzgerald asks.

Ugh. I don't have time for this shit. I have to get to football practice.


"Well, Mr. Tomlinson. It seems you are failing this class. If you want to pass this semester, you will need at least an A- on finals. Which I very highly doubt happening."

"Well, if you don't have any faith that I will actually get that, what is your ingenious suggestion for me. 'Cus I sure as hell am not repeating this hell of a class." I say to her.

"Well, I suggest that you invest in a tutor. I have already made some calls, to your parents and to some possible tutor's parents.

I have arranged for Marcel to be your tutor. He's in grade 10, but is already past the grade 12 curriculum. Here is his phone number, I suggest you call him and make arrangements for your first session." she finishes, standing from her wooden desk, and leaves the classroom.

I look at the number, which is scrawled on a crumpled piece of notebook paper, in disbelief. A fucking tutor? And out of all the kids in Southgrass High, she had to pick Marcel? He's basically the punching bag of our entire football team. Sometimes he lingers around the field during our practice, staring at us through his huge glasses. It's pretty damn creepy. Now I have to spend an entire tutoring session with him without strangling his skinny little neck. 

Reluctantly, I dialed his number into my phone. He picked up on the second ring.

"Hello!" he picks up, very overly exited.

"Hi Marcel. This is Louis. Mrs. Fitzgerald is making you tutor me."

"Oh! Hi Lou! When are you available for our first session?"

"Yeah, don't call me Lou. Um, I guess I could do it tomorrow after school. I'm sure you don't have any plans."

"Sounds good! Bye Lou- I, I mean Louis." he stuttered, then hung up the phone, embarrassed.

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