Chapter 5

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I reached my bedroom safely, decided to sleep after this crazy day, but as I did I felt something crashing with my leg. I searched the bed to find a sealed envelope with my name written neatly on it

Gabriel Star (OUR Star)

Our Star? Could It get any weirder already? I reached to open it, A Dreamcatcher? Oh and a letter. Put it below your pillow and use it well, Signature anonymous.

Why that is a funny way to use a dreamcatcher, under the pillow huh? Whatever I followed the rules and slept.

I woke up the next morning energetic –unusually-, getting ready for my morning routine. Starting off with a bath. As I was getting undressed I noticed I had a tattoo, I don't have a fucking tattoo! A tattoo in the shape of a dreamcatcher, not any dreamcatcher, My Dreamcatcher!! I put on my clothes as fast as I could and went to check on the dreamcatcher I was given last night but I couldn't find it anywhere.. Oh my god what type of joke is this!

I went to Natalie demanding answers, she's the one that gave me this gift, right?

"Nat what the fuck did you do to that gift you gave me last night?"

"Umm, I didn't give you anything last night, my gift was a surprise due tonight"

"You must be shitting me"

"No, what's with you, you're not you since last night"

"I'm Okay, I think I'll go for a run"

"Don't be late then"

I shouted okay while I ran, I ran not knowing whether I'm running to exercise, running away from my problems, or just trying to forget.

I kept running and running until I heard it again, that voice that doesn't seem to leave me alone making itself a part of my daily life.

Gabriel Sta-aaa-aaarr

Goosebumps took over my whole body, that was when I saw them, Shadows.

The shadows motioned for me to follow them, and since I had nothing to lose I followed them.

They took me to a cave, Feelings rushed over me, Fear, Excitement, and Uncertainty.

I entered.

The scene I saw was as follows, The cave had no methods of lightning but still it shone bright I could see everything in details, from the engravings on the wall to the sparkling floor. This is no typical cave, I mean to cave is that neat and charming.

A figure came from a distance, a guy, He was tall, abnormally muscular, Black hair, Defined jaw line. He was beautiful if a guy could be called that.

He had the same tattoo as myself..

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2016 ⏰

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