Chapter Three

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Chapter Three


I finished my work, soon after I got done with lunch. I headed home after my shift was done. Curtis followed me of course, he was there to protect me. I got home and took a shower. Then I got a call from Lucas typical he always calls my brother or I around this time. Guess it was my turn, I sighed before answering the call.

"Hello" I said sweetly into the phone. He told me that he wanted to take me clubbing 'fun'. He wants me to drive over to his home and change into an outfit that he bought me probably some tight leather pants or jeans and a tight t-shirt. I climbed into my car and drove over to his place, not really having much of a choice.

I had been right he had tight leather pants and a tight black t-shirt for me to wear. Don't get me wrong I like wearing leather, just not so tight that it feels restricting. I wished we could hurry up and find our brother, so that we could all be saved from this hell. That's really what this life was hell no other words can explain it.

I knew soon I'd be in a world of hurt as well within four days well now it would be three because my snow leopard part had smelled our mate yesterday morning, a normal cat shifter goes into a heat within 48 hours, an extreme heat so extreme that it comes with extreme pain, if their mate or mates haven't mated with them or had rejected them.

The only reason I had 96 hours instead of 48 is because I'm also half witch. But my witch could only hold off the heat for so long.

I put the hellishly tight leather pants on and the damn tight t-shirt on. Lucas always bought clothes one to two sizes too small. He liked to see tight clothes on me. Clothes that showcase my assets. But I really only wanted to do that sorta thing with my mate only not in clothes quite so tight.


Alpha Rik had given Steven and I orders to watch over the Holland siblings and also protect them. But it seemed like someone was missing from their small family.

I knew the twins were my Alpha's mates. But it seemed like they were being forced to do things they didn't want to do.

I decided to call up Alpha Rik to tell him my suspicion,there was only so much you could do to protect someone especially if they didn't want the protection. I could tell the boys wanted help no, they needed help but I wasn't sure why or even what to help with let alone how to help them.


I followed Alex around during the day as a guard like Rik had asked me to do. After Alex had finished work he headed home.

After about maybe twenty minutes he came to one of the windows near me sticking his head out and telling me that I was welcomed inside the small cabin.

After a few minutes of thinking I decided to go in. As soon as I walked in I felt drawn to one of the rooms I also smelled an intoxicating scent of Black Cherry and Dark chocolate. though, it wasn't fresh at all it was rather stale, it led to the room that I had been drawn to.

My wolf was screaming one word at me and that word was 'Mate' I thought I'd never hear that word again, I already had one mate named Sydney.

We had mated when we had both figured out we were mates. Sydney is also my twin, we found out that we were mates when we turned seventeen. I didn't think we would have another mate. It was a surprise but I wouldn't reject him or her hopefully our newly discovered mate was a man though, because we had never been attracted to women. Women had just never sparked our interest.

I walked towards the kitchen to talk to Alex. I wanted, no needed to find out who's bedroom that was. I stopped before entering the kitchen, and took a few minutes to think over how to ask. I wasn't sure how to ask I didn't want to bring up bad memories if there were any. If I did, I might be bringing up bad memories, judging by how stale the scent was.

Rik's Three Interesting Mates (Crescent Pack Book one)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant