Chapter 12

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Chapter 12-

“Hey Alex! So, how’s it been? I haven’t seen you since like 2 this afternoon.”

“Good, good. How ‘bout you? How’s living with 8 boys?”

“Oh, it’s just great! They aren’t annoying or anything. Or actually, that sentence should be more like, Dylan’s not annoying or anything.”

“I don’t even see how you can joke about that. He’s the most annoying person I’ve ever met. I don’t know how your best friends with him.”

“Ya, we..” I got cut off by someone screaming at me and Alex saying, “I heard that!!! I’m not annoying!”

I looked at Alex and laughed, then said, “Ya, sure Dylan! Think what you want to think!”

“Shut up Sammi! I’ll think what I want to!”

I turned back to Alex and then said, “So, uh what do you wanna do? Wanna take a walk to the park or something?”

“Ya. Sure. That sounds good. We can tan!” Alex said while giggling a little.

“Ya! I was at the park with Jeremy Monday and…”

“Wait? Jeremy?” She knows I like, or maybe liked him. I don’t know how I feel about him.

“Yes, Jeremy.” I rolled my eyes, and continued with, “So anyways, we were at the park yesterday and the day before, and I tried tanning, but Jeremy didn’t want to. All he did was sit and look at me like I was pathetic. So, you’re the best person to go to the park with. You’ll actually tan with me.”

“Haha. That’s funny. You wanna go?”

“Ya sure. And when we get back, dinner will be ready.”

“Ok, cool.”

“Now, let me grab my phone, and my glasses, and we’re good to go.”

“Hey you know, you’re not in a very good tanning outfit…”

“Eh, that’s fine with me. I love wearing knit hats. I do it all the time.”

“Ok, whatever. It doesn’t really affect me.” Alex smiled.

“Ya, ok. C’mon. It’s already 5:15, and dinner should be ready by 6:45. We only have an hour and a half.”

“Ok, now go! I like my sun!!!”

“Jeez, miss totally girly girl.”

“Whatever.” We both ran for the stairs, and nearly fell down them. Before I left the house, and saw Jeremy in the living room, and I said, “Hey, we’re going to the park to tan! Now you don’t have pretend to be interested.”

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