Part 13

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Yukiko's P.O.V.

"What do you mean Kyoya-Senpai?" I ask.

The others, aside from Tamaki, who is still eroding away, and Haruhi, who is still at the special boys' clinic, look at him with interest.

What the heck does Kyoya know? And why doesn't he feel the need to mention it until it is too late to do anything?

"A bit earlier today, I saw a strange man wearing a white lab coat but clearly not one of our hospital's doctors and I thought he was a little odd," Kyoya says.

"Shouldn't you have said something sooner," the twins chorus.

"Oh, well, it's no big deal. I'm sure the security guard will catch him," Kyoya says.

"No big deal? That girl now has a scarring memory that she may never be able to forget. I know how awful it is to live with that kind of a memory, and you say it's no big deal?" I say.

He doesn't get it. He just isn't able to understand other people's feelings at all. Maybe I just hallucinated him being kind earlier in my distress.

I turn away from him angrily and hear one of the real doctors trying to figure out where the creepy man went.

"Tell me miss, did you happen to notice where the pervert doctor was headed?" He asks.

"Yes sir, he ran off towards the special boys' clinic," she answers.

Oh no! This is not good!

"Do you see what happens when you withhold information?" I yell.

I take off running towards the clinic where Haruhi is, not bothering to look behind me to see if the others are following.

I get there before any of the others even fully register what's happening.

I burst in through the door and see a curtained off section in the corner. Figuring that is where Haruhi must be I run through the curtain and see that the creepy man has a hold of her arm.

I run up and punch him in the nose before he even realizes I'm there. He falls to the ground and Tamaki bursts through the curtain and kicks me, causing me to fall to the ground before I had a chance to check on Haruhi.

"Tamaki! What the hell was that?" I ask, putting my hand on my head.

My hand feels warm and sticky, I remove it from my head and it falls to my lap. I can't move, I can only stare as my brain takes a long time to understand that there is blood covering my hand.

"What the hell- Tamaki?" I say as my vision begins to go black.

He and Haruhi just stare back at me in horror. Then the others burst through the curtain.

"Yukiko!" I hear someone yell.

I fall to the ground, not feeling anything.

I look up and see Kyoya and Kaoru's faces twisted with worry as my vision fades to black.


I wake and find myself sitting on a hospital bed. My head feels as if it is filled with fluff, so I can't really concentrate. But I look to my right and I see my parents, holding hands and gently dozing.

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