A New Beginning

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Maybe it was the tingling feeling In my stomach or the gut feeling that today was the day that pulled me out of bed.

I Pulled my white stockings on, my dress, and my black flats on. I tied both of my braids off with a white ribbon and down the steps I flew. Not stopping for scheduled breakfast I went straight to the leaving room and asked Ms. Hollins if anyone had come for me. She silently shook her head no with ought making eye contact. I bowed my head and went to scheduled breakfast.

"So, anyone come yet?" My friend Maggie said while shoving breakfast In her mouth. All it took was a silent response and a glance at my face for her to know the answer. "I'm..I'm sorry Isabella. I'm sure someone will come.. Eventually" she said giving a weak smile. "Oh it's no hope" I said slamming my head into my arms on the table. "No one will ever come for me". "Oh c'mon, don't be like that" Maggie said poking me in the arm. "We ALL wish someone would come for us, and you don't see us complaining" she said. "Well you guys are different. Someone's bound to come for me, not the other way around" I said not realizing what just came out of my mouth. "Wow Isabella, I understand being upset as an orphan, but that statement was just unnecessary" she said standing up and moving to another table. I pushed my food back and ran upstairs to my bunk.   I pulled out my camera recorder and started flipping through the videos I made with all my friends here.

A knock at the door suddenly woke me from my nap I don't remember taking.

As I opened the door Maggie was standing there and I immediately hugged her and appologized. "I'm soooo sorry for what I said, I guess I just got caught up in the fact that no one will come for me" I said. "Well, you better forget all about that, because someone is here for you!" She said dancing around. I about screamed as I grabbed my already packed bags and we ran down the steps almost tripping over our own feet. I put my hand over my chest and took a deep breath before I stepped into the leaving room. I looked up and was met with a tall man in a suit, standing next to him a woman who looked like she belonged in a glamorous Hollywood themed movie from the 1940's. They had a boy with them, who looked like he was 10 years old. I couldn't hold my squeal as I saw them. They smiled as the mom bent down and held out her hands. I dropped my bag and immediately ran into her arms. She whispered "hello baby girl, welcome to your new family" with ought letting go. I smiled and closed my eyes, making sure this was all real. I hugged Maggie. She whispered "have fun" as I parted her arms. I gave her a sincere smile, picked up my bags, and out the door I went with my new family.

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