Two - Finding A Way

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(A/N: Enjoyyy! ;)  Spent about 9 hours binge-writing this chapter on Skype with Sydney so I hope you like it XD)

Same Day

The four boys walk slowly down the street, remaining fully aware of the events unfolding around them. There aren't many of those things, which the group have come to begin calling Walkers, around them at the time, but they remain ready for anything.

"Look." PJ exclaims, pointing over towards a large building.

A police station. Its clearly abandoned, one of the cop cars out front completely flipped over on its top. Beside it, Dan notices a severed arm laying on the road, blood splattered around it and on the side of the vehicle. He feels as if he's going to be sick. Whatever is happening around them, better end soon. Dan isn't sure how much more he can take.

As they continue walking towards the building, Dan spots a brown rusty pole laying across the road not too far from them. Stepping away from the group, he leans down to pick it up, examining it closely. It's not too heavy, yet it's quite strong. Dan mentally decides that it could hold up pretty well in a battle with one of those Walkers, before standing back up and running back over to the group. PJ looks down at the pole in Dans grasp, a questioning look on his face.

"Just incase." Dan said, looking back at the boy. The boys gives him a quick nod before looking back up at their nearing destination.

His mind wanders off to thoughts of Phil as they make their way over to the front doors of the station. Phils bright cerulean eyes, so easy to get lost in as they sparkle at the corner when he smiles. The way he always bit his lip in confusion when he didn't understand something. Phil had a certain way of making Dan feel better, especially in moments like this. If only he was here.

Dan hopes he is okay.

The four reach the door, the frail, brown haired boy leaning into the other boys side restlessly, his face screwed up in agony from the gash in his knee. Dan glanced down at the cut, which was still bleeding. They needed to get that situated soon before it got infected. Poor kid.

The four slowly make their way into the building, looking around anxiously. The quietness and dimly lit rooms give off an eerie feeling, sending shivers down the boys spines.

"Hang on." PJ says, slowly making his way over to a door that is just slightly creaked open.

"Dan," He whispers, signaling for Dan to come over to him. Dan gulps nervously, walking over to where PJ is stood by the door.

"I'm going to push the door open, just be ready incase there's a walker inside, okay? Its pretty well lit inside so you should be able to see." PJ explains, not moving his gaze once from the door.

Dan wipes his one free hand on his jeans, his nerves picking away at him, before holding the pole with two hands.

"Ready?" PJ asks.

"Go." Dan responds hesitantly.

With that, PJ slowly pushes the door open, Dan peering around the edge of the door frame, his heart racing. He slowly begins walking inside the room, looking around. There were no signs of any Walkers around, but Dan kept a tight hold on his weapon anyway.

Dan signals for PJ to come in, before turning back to examine the room some more. In the center of the room, papers are sprawled all across the tiled floor. He sees an old brown leather couch against the wall to the left, adjacent to the door. Resting beside the couch is a tall metal cabinet. The right of him sits a wooden desk, the drawers open wide, the contents scattered around the floor.

Dan forces his legs to start moving towards the tall cabinet by the couch, eyeing the outside exterior. He squints his eyes at his reflection staring back at him in the metal. He sighs, running a hand through his curly hair. Even during such a time like this, Dan still cringes at the sight of his no longer straight hair.

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