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Is like doing me wrong
I was listening to my favorite song
And it died
And since my iPod  is bad
It only charges
Fully powered off
And ugh
I was mid song
I was jammin
It always does meh wrong
Why can't it die when the song is over
Thts better then dieing
Mid song when I'm getting into it
Bad iPod bad
It did have a tough life tho
Being disabled for like
What I was told was 40 years
And it was like 2 years till I got it fixed
The bad thing was the Apple employees couldn't even fix it
I had to do it myself
I lost all meh songs
I had a lot
Tht was meh old iTunes
I had to make a new one
Cause it got hacked
Thnx person
Stealing my music
I really liked those songs too
Apple be giving me problems

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