A Search and a Battle

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Serena's POV

I rolled my eyes as Misty continued to to celebrate.

"Are you done?" May asked, a little annoyed. Misty looked at her apologetically.

"Sorry. But we beat Gary!" She crowed. I sighed and turned to May, who was starting to get angry.

"She rubbed it in enough yet?" She said.

"Don't worry. She's just celebrating." I told her, glancing at Misty. She seemed to have calmed down a bit. Just to be in the safe side, I decided to keep May away.

"So, what are you doing on the weekend?" I asked.

"Nothing." May said,drawing out the word. "Nothing."

"Really? Same here! My mums going out on Saturday, and she's got work on Sunday." I slumped down onto the bench that lined the table. May sat opposite me.

"You could come to my house." May suggested.

"Really? That'd be great!" I said.

"I'll check with my mum when I get home." May nodded. I smiled.

"Okay, cool!" I said happily. I noticed Clemont talking to Dawn. She nodded, then stood up.

"GIRLS." Dawn raised her voice to get our attention. "It is Bonnies birthday in two weeks and we've been invited!"

"Shopping!" May squealed.

"Wait, isn't Bonnie turning 10?" Ten was one of the most significant ages, being it the age that you were allowed to own a Pokemon.

"Yeah, but Ash, Gary and Clemont have already got that front covered." Dawn said.

"Wait, what?" Iris asked, not following.

"A Pokemon!" Misty exclaimed.

"Oh!" Iris nodded.

"Isn't that something that Bonnies parents would want to do?" May asked.

"Actually, I don't know. I'll go ask." Dawn jumped up, moving towards the boys table.

"Okay. Shopping trip!" May said, grabbing our attention. "Saturday or Sunday?"

"Either is good for me." I said.

"Can we do Saturday?" Iris asked. "I've got something to do on Sunday."

"Saturday would work better for me as well." Misty commented.

"Okay! Shops in Saturday, maybe 2:00?" May suggested.


"Okay." Dawn sat back down. "Apparently Clemont was going to do it, and Ash was planning on giving her a Pokemon as well. So they're going to do it together."

"Makes sense." Misty nodded. I groaned as I heard the bell sound.

"Dawn! Shops! 2:00! Saturady! Be there!" May exclaimed as we all jumped up.

"Okay!" Dawn said, as we walked back to our lockers. We all split up, moving to our lockers. I grabbed my history stuff, and my materials.

"Ow!" I exclaimed softly, as one of my books fell onto my hand. I picked it up and placed it back in its position, then shut my locker, and walked towards the history room with Dawn. We walked into class and sat next to Dawn, who was also in this class. I noticed Ash and Barry in this class. I grabbed my textbook and opened it ready for class. I noticed Dawn talking to a dark haired boy... Paul? May also noticed, but wasn't as subtle.

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