Chapter 1: First Day

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I am freaking out right now because, I have to change schools. So, I am in my new room (grandparents house) because, my grandparents got full custody of me. I like the way that it's set up, except there is not much space but it'll do. Mimi (step-grandmother) takes me t my new, school which is Blair Middle School. I have lived & was raised in Norfolk, Virginia and I was shocked when we went and parked out front of Blair. It was a 3 story building, with a football field that was not that big, located in Downtown Norfolk.

When I walked in the main entrance to Blair, I was nervous about starting that day. The front desk lady was doing paperwork with Mimi, and she said '' ok here is her schedule um we are still in 2 block''. I gave Mimi a hug, and told her by and went trying to find my class. My schedule is 1st block: Science 2nd block: English 3rd block: 4th block: Pre Algebra 5th block: Chorus 6th block: Civics & Economics 7th block: 8th block: P.E. I founded the nearest staircase and walked up the stairs to find my 2nd block class since it was even day. I turned the corner and saw my classroom was next door. So, I opened the door and walked in nervous as the teacher looked at my schedule. She said ''Hi miss Vanessa come and find a seat''. I say ''Hi''. Then, I turn to go and find a seat.

I sit next to a boy, who was looking at me weird. He says ''Hi I'm Joseph Skaggs but you can call me Joey.'' I smile nervously and say '' Hi I'm Vanessa Myers it's nice to meet you.'' The teacher said '' Tonights homework is to do a writing essay/summary.'' She said '' Vanessa you can just fill out the syllabus and bring it back signed.'' I said ''ok''. 20 minutes later the bell had rang and I struggled to get my stuff ready while moving to go find my next class. Later on that day lunch had came, and I walked in the lunch room.

I went to go stand in line to get my lunch when I hear, '' Hi Vanessa.'' I turned and saw him I said ''Hey Joey.'' He said '' you are so short'' and he squatted to where he was at my height and I blushed/smiled. I said to him '' you are so tall.'' He looked into my eyes making me smile, a little more and my heart was racing. After, I grabbed my lunch I went to go sit next to him.

We chatted until lunch was over, and he said '' see you tomorrow.'' I said '' see you tomorrow Joey.'' The rest of the day was good except that the kids are so annoying. That night I had dreamt of Joey and it was weird/awkward because, I didn't really know him that well but OMG he is so hot. My dream was about Joey kissing me, and him holding my hand. I kept on tossing, and turning in my bed thinking about him.

The next morning, I got up and picked a outfit to wear for my second day. Mimi came downstairs and said "What would you like for breakfast?" I said "um I don't know I guess a Poptart". She went to grab the Poptart from the box and turned towards the refrigerator. I went to go sit on your couch and turned on the TV. The weatherman said that it supposed, to be cold today but sunny. Mimi brought in my Poptart,& a glass of milk. I said to her " thank you".

After watching the weather and eating breakfast, I sent to go put my plate & glass in the sink. Then, I went inside my room to change into my outfit. I decided that I was going to wear a pair of jeans, long sleeve shirt, and boots. I got dressed and, gathered my books for today. Then, Miss Blaker was going to take me to school along with Elizabeth ( cousin) and Shelby ( Elizabeth's best friend). I went to the bathroom to, brush my teeth and hair.

I brushed my teeth & hair then, I went to go put on my coat. Miss Blaker is out front and I put on my backpack and say " Someone's here out front." Mimi says " oh she is going to be picking you up and taking you." I say " ok see you when I get home." Then, I go to hug her and walk to the car. On the ride to school I, am daydreaming about Joey. When we reach the school we, get out of the car and say" goodbye." Then, I walk in the door along with Elizabeth and Shelby.

I am looking at my schedule to see, what class I need to go to first. I have science with, Mr. Lawrence. I go to the stairs and walk, up them trying not to bump into any kids. When I reach the top and go to my classroom I am still nervous. Also, I am thinking alot about Joey and how hot he is. The rest of the day was good I had Chorus, with Mrs. Tilghman along with other classes.

After school was over and I got home I, went to grab something to eat. Then, I went to my room to work on my homework. That night I talked to, my dad and mom to see how they were doing. My dad asked me " did you make a y friends?" I told him " yes I have a friend named Joey and he is nice." He said " Do you like him?" I said " yes".

As I went to bed I,thought about Joey and it was weird. I am thinking " I like 6th grade at Blair." The me t morning I woke up happy because, I can see Joey. I walked inside my English class and see joey smiling. I sit across from him because, we were put in groups. He asks " Vanessa can you please help me?"smiling. I smile and say " yes".

So, I helped him with his work as I notice that he was looking at me. I could tell by this point that he was flirting with me. My heart was, racing a little. When the bell rang to go to our next class Joey said " see you in Chorus" with a smile. I said " see you", with a smile. Then, I went to Pre Algebra and I was confused but after some worksheets that the teacher gave us I understood what it was talking about.

After Pre Algebra i, went to go downstairs for Chorus. I walked in, and saw Joey. I sit in my assigned seat with the Sopranos. She said " Lets start off with us singing the scale." We sing and it was good, everybody was participating. After that, we stood up and massaged ( made fists not hit) each other's backs.

It was weird because, everyone was switching to do the other person. Then, we worked on our workbooks and sung a couple of songs. In class, she taught us what each note in music means. It was easy up until she got to eighth notes. After that, the bell rang and we transitioned to our next class which for me is PE. We had to go to the locker rooms, ( girls) and change.

I went and found a big locker to hold my backpack \ coat and changed. We had to walk around the gym with, the other classes until they said to go to your teacher. I am walking around the gym, talking to some of my friends. All of a sudden, I start thinking about Joey I mean am I going to be doing this everyday\everywhere. Taylor next to me said " Vanessa " and tapped my shoulder. I said " huh".

She said " you ok?" I said " oh yea I was just thinking about somebody". She said " Details ". I said " I think I am in love with Joey Skaggs". She said " OMG". I said " yea except I don't know if he goes the same for me ". Then, we went to our teacher and run the field 3 times.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2016 ⏰

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