Innocent sees no prejudice

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this story is about prejudices towards pirates and merfolk

On the Grand Line there Is an island called Fisherman Island, that laid at the bottom of the ocean 10,000 meters down below the red line that surrounded the world. The people who lived there were always being discriminated because they were merfolk, just because they were either mer-people or looked like different kinds of fish that had a humanish body. 10,000 meters about Fisherman Island and to the west there is a place called Sabaody Archipelago, it was made up of 47 different groves made from these giant trees root systems. The island of Sabaody was the half way point of the Grand Line near the Red Line and the only way for pirates to cross under and make it to the New World, aka the second half of the Grand Line.

The merfolk were actually a very peace race but have a terrible reputation because of some of there people becoming pirates and terrorizing villages in all 4 seas of the world, like Arlong and his group of fisherman pirates. Back up on Sabaody they have an auction house where they auction off people and the occasional merfolk, and that is where were going to start out story.

Luffy and his pirate crew have just reached the Island of Sabaody Archipelago after helping a mermaid named Camie, who had been eaten by a Sea King and a fisherman named Hatchi, who already had a history with the Straw Hat crew (minus Tony Tony Chopper, Nico Robin, Cutty Flam (Franky) and Brook who had joined the crew on the Grand Line)

"No matter what you guys see, even if its a man getting shot right in front of you, swear to me that you will NOT do anything, just go on your way like nothing happened" Hatchi warned them " Celestial Dragons roam this island and" he paused to hit Luffy over the head cus he wasn't paying attention," Luffy this goes double for you! If you harm one of them a fleet of marines plus an Admiral will come here and either arrest you or kill you."

" And dont forget this" Camie said " slave traders are always looking for people to sell for the next auction, do not let them get you, stay together or at least stay in groups of 2"

"Ok remember that were in grove 41 and well go searching for a coater, everyone meet back here before it gets dark" Nami said and everyone exept for Zoro, Sanji and Franky left the ship and stared to explore the island.

All of the Merfolk were seen as monsters and were always being ridiculed for it. They were always being blamed for crimes that they didn't do because people saw them as these big ugly scary creatures that have the strength of a 2 giants and the speed thats lightning fast underwater. Depending on the kind of fish they are they are even scarier, like Arlong was a swordfish so he had a long sharp nose that could be used as either a barbed spear or a serrated double edged sword.

During their day they decided to go to the amusement park that Sabaody was famous for. At this point It was just Luffy, Chopper, Sanji ( who decided to join the gang in there day of fun) Camie and Hatchi and they had just gotten off of the farris wheel. Luffy was hungry yet again (even though he ate like 10 minutes ago) and Chopper had seen his favourite food float by him and begged Luffy to get him some cotton candy. While the Straw Hats were distracted a group of slave traders grabbed Camie from behind and dragged her off towards the human auction house where she was worth 5 million berries.

When they found that she was going to be in the next auction they started frantically looking for with the help of the 'Rosy flying fish riders'.

During the auction Hatchi's jacket came off revealing his 6 other arms. Everyone around him started screaming and tried to get away from him, he was even shot by one of the Celestial Dragons just for being a fisherman. That was the last straw for Luffy, he snapped and punched the World Noble in the face sending him flying down the stairs nocking him out cold.

During the fight " Dark King" Rayleigh, the former first mate of Gol D. Rodger, saved Camie from an imminent demise, but now that she was safe the Straw Hats, The Heart pirates and the Kid pirates were stuck in the auction house which was now surrounded by Marines from the naval base which was a few groves over from the auction house.

The marines were in trouble.

Not only were they fighting against Monkey D. Luffy worth 300 million berries, but they were also fighting against " The surgeon of Death" Trafalgar Law worth 230 million berries and Eustass " Captain" Kid worth 316 million Berries. Together the three of them are worth 846 million berries.

The battle is about to start but the three of them are bickering because Kid is trying tell the others what to do.

Will they get along long enough to defeat the marines or will there differences be to much for them to handle?

To be continued......

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