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Bridget's p.o.v.

*same day*

It bad been a couple hours

I checked my phone 5:30

I walked out of my room to Tommy's

Hesitating before I knocked because I didn't know if he was still pissed

I decided hell with it and opened his door to see him watching tv on his flat screen

Me- "tommy?"

His head snapped up

I gave him a shy smile before sitting next to him

Tommy- "yes?"

Me- "why was Brittany with you?"

Tommy- "when I asked her she said she was just going about 'us' how any other person would then when I told her there is no us she said there will be soon and disappeared"

Me- "she's so weird" I said as tommy grabbed my toes to warm them up

I looked at the screen of the tv to see tommy watching hockey

We watched it for about twenty minutes before Harry and Liam popped in

Harry- "what you two doing"

Me- "oh you know grocery shopping" I said not tearing my eyes from the screen

Liam chuckled "is that hockey? Why are your hands on her toes? Your faces are to close"

I looked at him "who put sugar in your cereal?"

Harry- "answer the questions"

Me- "yes,yes, and no they aren't"

Liam- "we wouldn't know, you guys could have been making out"

I sighed "yup"

Harry- "there's your answer"

Liam laughed along with Harry

Me- "you both are messed up in the head" I giggled

Tommy- "you just noticed?"

Me- "pfft"

Then we heard a knock

Me- "I'll get it"

I jumped down stairs making Harry and Liam gasp

But I was light on my feet

opening the door to see ally and Cody in pajamas?

Ally and Cody- "surprise sleep over!"

Harry, Liam, and tommy were down in a flash

Me- "Liam Harry can I have-"

Harry- "yes you can the living rooms all yours" he said with a smile

Me- "thanks-" everyone was watching me intently probably to see if I'd say dad "Harry"

Harry looked disappointed but shook it off with a smile and left

Liam- "I could run to the store if you guys want anything"

Ally- "Nutella!" She shouted but covered with "you don't have to"

Me- "do you mind?" I asked Liam he shrugged and I texted him what we needed

Me- "thx bro!!!" I shouted as the door closed

Ally- "tommy go get in your nighties bridge do the same" she ordered

Me- "don't tell him that he'll be in his under wear in a flash"

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