Chapter 2

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Jim nodded and followed sebastian out of the classroom still holding his hand. As they walked out of the school, sebastian took quick glances at jim as they walked towards his neighborhood. Jim's heart was racing as he still held sebastian's hand, he looked at his surroundings as he tried to keep his mind off of what his father would do when he got home late.

Sebastian led jim to a one story house with a grey porch. It was a simple house, not too boyish or girly. Just an ordinary house that anyone would own. Sebastian took out his house key as he still unconsciously held jim's hand, he then let go as he opened the door.

" so, this is my house" sebastian announced as he closed the door behind him when jim walked in.

" your house is so, nice" jim complement as his eyes wandered around the house. Sebastian smiled as he walked to the hallway, do you want to see my room?" he asked jim, nodding his head into the hallway. Jim nodded as he followed sebastian to his room.

As sebastian opened his door for his guest, jim paused for a second before walking in. As jim set his bag by sebastian's bed, he sat on the bed and watched the other close the door. There was a long silence before anyone talked.

" so why did you bring me over?" jim asked as he twiddled his thumbs as sebastian sat backwards on his chair.

"oh um" seb cleared his voice. " well.. I just.. Think you needed some one" he replied smiling a little. A sebastian started to care about jim, ever since he saw him alone in the classroom he felt like he needed to do something.

Jim nodded as he looked at the ground.

"and.. well.. I also do.. Care about you " sebastian finally said as he sat walked over to the bed and sat by jim. Moriarty looked up to face sebastian with a faint blush" really? " he asked as his heart beat quickened. Sebastian nodded and smiled as he saw jim blush' he really doesn't seem that bad.... He also doesn't appear bad either. He has a nice smile, neat hair, and his eyes are so...' his thinking was interrupted by jim." um Sebastian,?" jim asked leaning back, blushing even more. Sebastian had unconsciously started to lean closer towards jim staring into his eyes. Sebastian suddenly leaned back looking the other way. "sorry" he apologized as he cleared his throat.

Jim sat properly as he looked the other way.' does he like me? Or is he just trying to be a good person? He's not ordinary but he is nice' jim continued to think in his head as sebastian was doing the same.

' damn! Why did i do that?! Am i falling for this guy? We never talked not until today. But..' sebastian looked at the dark haired student' he does look cute' his eyes suddenly widened and he looked the other way' wait why did i say cute?! Am i gay? I never really dated or liked anyone, so i really shouldn't worry'

The two continued to stay quiet and sort things out in their heads. After a few minutes jim broke the silence.

" so.... What do you want to do?" he asked as he shifted his feet, looking at sebastian. Sebastian looked back at jim. " oh! Well um we could, talk." he offered. " what would you like to talk about?"

" we could talk about out life i guess. If thats alright with you" jim asked as he slightly shifted in his seat.

" oh, yeah that's fine" sebastian agreed. " would you like me to start? He asked as he leaned pulled his legs up onto the bed. Jim nodded as he did the same, but pulling his knees close to his chest.

" well.." sebastian started." i currently live with my brother in this house and he's an ex-army soldier, he was a sniper. Our parents had died in a plane crash and our uncle looked over my brother and me. My brother is currently 29 and he now sells and trades all types of guns in his shop thats in the city. " sebastian smiled at jim. " and that's it"

Jim rested his chin on his knees as he listened." thats nice that you have an older sibling take care of you" jim commented looking at sebastian.

" well i've been living in a small apartment with my father. As i told you, my mother had died in a car crash when i was a baby. My father made me his slave and he would beat me around when he was angry or when he just felt like it. I always dreamt of running away but i know he'll hunt me down. No one has really helped me or cared about me... Not even at school" jim told sebastian as he held his knees closer, covering his face with his knees. " it's been a living hell for me" he shivered.

Sebastian felt sorry for jim as he told his part of the conversation. He then scooted towards jim and hugged him.

Jim didn't know what to do, no one's really hugged him before. But all he could do is...


Tears rolled down his face as he hugged him back. He never felt so safe or loved like this.

He softly whispered through the small sobs.

" thank you"

School sucks( mormor)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ