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The rest of the day was spent getting to know the Avengers and catching up with Natasha. I still getting to used to her new name. We talked about everything and anything. I actually started to enjoy myself and feel comfortable with all these new people, that Natasha promised me were really brilliant people.

The next morning I woke up early with a clear head, I guess it was just a habit and went to the kitchen. Turns out Ward also has a habit of getting up early.
"Morning Ward." I smiled and grabbed a glass of apple juice.
"Morning Jackson." He smiled back.
"Are you ready to face what the Avengers are going to throw at us?"
"Am I ever. I plan that we will break the longest record. Two months." He looked determined.
"I'm in. Two months at least, it is." I said adopting the same determination. We'd go down in recruit history if we broke the record.

"It's good to see that you recruits are prepared to tackle the breakfast phase." There was a voice behind us. Ward and I looked at each other, with a horrified expression then turned slowly to the voice. It was Steve he gave us an evil smile. He sat next to me on the side of the bench away from cooking area.
"So Agent Ward, what are you cooking for breakfast?" Steve asked and I started laughing. Ward's face was horrified.
"Ha, Ward can't cook." I couldn't help laughing.
"Since you find this so amusing Agent Jackson you can help him." I looked at him, my face now mirroring Ward's previous expression.
"It's not like she can cook any better than I can." We shared an understanding expression, we were already doomed. I got up and started helping Ward pull things out of the cupboards. We didn't have a plan. Well I did, wing it.
"Yes, they're cooking breakfast." Tony walks in the room yawning.
"Neither of them can cook." Steve points out and Tony looks disappointed.
"So, it's the blind leading the blind. Great."
"I think pancakes have butter in them?" I said as we started filling a bowl with ingredients.
"Are you sure? Do we use plain or self-raising flour?" He asked as confused as I.
"I don't know, just put both in." Eventually we ended up with a liquidy mixture that smelt super salty and we were covered in flour.
"I think it's meant to look like that." Ward said as he lifted the spoon and the mixture spills onto the table.
"Oops." He said.
"Okay, let's try cooking it. Do we use the stove or the oven?" I asked.
"Maybe we should use the oven, at least I know how to turn that on, I couldn't work the stove." He said opening the door. Meanwhile Steve and Tony are sitting there laughing their heads off. We must look so stupid.
We looked in the square shaped heating machine and pulled a lever.
"I hope this works." I said defeated. After multiple failed attempts, finally something happened as spark appeared and all the gas that had emitted from the stove caught a light. My face felt like it caught fire, but it hadn't luckily. We put the mixture in the oven and closed the door.
"Do I still have my eyebrows?" I asked. Everyone laughed and I stood there with a worried expression on my face.
"No hun, you still have eyebrows, but you have some soot right here." Ward said and wiped the soot off my cheek. My knees went weak and butterflies erupted in my stomach when he touched my face. Swoon. We then proceeded to clean up our mess.
"I have to say, you guys are officially the funniest cooks ever. I've never seen someone put so much salt in pancakes." Tony laughed.
"I've never seen someone nearly burn their eyebrows off turning on an oven." Steve added and joined the laughter. Ward looked miserable.
"We're screwing up." He said. I grabbed his hand.
"At least we're screwing up together."
"Is something burning in here?" Clint walks into the kitchen sniffing the air. Ward and I look at each other in horror just as the fire alarm sounded. I must have apologised a thousand times to Tony cause eventually he put his hand on my face and told me to shut up.

After the cooking incident and a whole lot of humiliation from the Avengers, they got down to business. It was good to know that they weren't a group of seriously boring, grumpy ducks.
"Okay, Orientation phase is now in motion." Steve announces.
"For today Ward, you will be training with Stark, and Jackson, you will be training with Banner." Steve finished. And the other Avengers left the room.
"They're splitting us up." I said sadly.
"Just promise me this, two months at the least." He looked intently into my eyes. I stuck my pinky out.
"Pinky promise. Together till the end." I smiled. And we parted ways.

"So I hear you have a special ability." Bruce said as we walked to a large padded room.
"Well it's more like a curse." I replied, thinking about the pain I've caused.
"Tell me about it." He sighed. Then I realised he would know all about this. He's the Hulk.
"The key to controlling your angry is to practice, so that's what we will focus on. It won't be fun but it'll be worth it I the end." I had no idea what he was talking about but I nodded anyway. He walked around me a couple of times then jabbed with a metal stick that zapped me.
"What was that for?" I asked feeling anger bubble up in me. He zapped me again.
"What the hell? Stop it." I felt the anger all over me I started to lose control. Bruce zapped me again and I shifted. I growled at him and he smiled.
"So the girl's a wolf. Such pretty fur." He said patting my head. I snapped my teeth at him. I was cautious of him now, watching his every move. He went to zap me again but my wolf senses alerted me and I blocked it, then I pushed Bruce over. I padded off to an enclosed area and calmed myself down. This is training, I have to learn, clearly I need to control my anger. But erghh, did he have to zap me. I managed to shift back to my human form, but now I had no clothes. Conveniently the room I was in had some burlap sacks that I fashioned into a make shift dress. It was itchy and uncomfortable but I was covered. I walked back into the main room where Bruce had recovered and he continued my painful and aggravating training for the rest of the day.

Later that night I called Triplett and told him the events of the day.
"Honestly girl, if you had of taking a cooking lesson with me when I asked then you would have been able to cook something." Was his response. It made me smile and I headed to my assigned room in order to recover.

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