Never alone

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author's note

Hi this my first proper book ive tried writing the book maybe a bit small i'll try and keep udating and if u just give my story a try i'd really apperiate it comment wat u think tell ur friends and hope u  do like it :)




Chapter One

I sat on my bed, finally mum had left. Aoife was coming over. Oh by the way my best friend is Aoife. *Beep Beep* I looked down at my phone it was from Aoife. It said “Hey hun wat time will I come over? Axx”. I quickly texted back and said that my mum was gone if she wanted to come over now.

                     I opened Facebook looked for a while and then my phone beeped again. I guessed it was Aoife. I opened the text it was from an unknown number there was an attachment so I opened it. Up popped up a photo of me. I had to look twice before I saw it was me. I was standing in the window in my pyjamas. I quickly looked out the window cautiously looking from left to right checking there was nothing weird outside but I saw nothing like nothing. Then a text popped up saying looking for something ~Unknown.  This was weird I said to myself!

                          I thought to myself maybe this is all just some kind of joke. Even if it is its creepy. I closed the curtain and tried to convince myself this was all some sort of joke. I sat on my bed and look at the photo and tried to see where the photo had been taken from but I couldn’t make out where it was taken from.

The doorbell rang and it was just Aoife. I opened the door and I didn’t tell her because she’s such a drama queen. “Lea, any news” she said as she entered my room. “Emmmm… no not really” I replied really dying to tell her about the photo and text.  I just blabbed on about something I saw on Facebook to pass the time and then just watched a movie to try and take my mind of earlier.

                 When “The Bling Ring” the movie we watched was over it was it was One o’clock so I walked Aoife to the corner and then put my hood up and ran home. I put my key in the door and twisted but it wouldn’t open so I started to panic but then it opened, I quickly shut the door behind me. I ran up to my room and locked the door and got into bed and tried to fall asleep.

                 I woke up in the morning and checked my phone.  There was nothing there so I felt I could relax more. I slumped back in my bed and looked at the time it was six in the morning! How did I wake up so early, I normally get up at eleven not bloody six! I closed my eyes and drifted asleep again. My mum woke me up at half eleven. We talked for a while and she told me about her night out. Then my phone rang. My mum left the room and I answered it. “Hello” I said. *Deep Breathing* “Hello Lea” said a really deep voice; I looked at the number again and saw it was unknown like last night. I quickly hung up and throw my phone across my room.

              I walked down stairs and followed the smell of rashers to the kitchen. I licked my lips as I cut my toast and placed my rashers onto my toast and poured a glass of orange juice.  I took a bite and licked my lips.  I smiled and carried my plate into sitting room.  I sat down and turned on the TV. I was so bored. Aoife called and we walked round to the shop and bought ben and jerry’s chocolate fudge brownie and a doughnut each. I went back to her house and Harry came over.

             Harry is one of my friends he’s 17, tall dirty blonde/golden hair and funny. Now I’ll tell you about me and my friends. I’m 17 and I’m tall with long, blonde hair brown eyes, I’m tanned. I love art and fashion and LOVE surfing. My best friends are Aoife and Harry.  Now Aoife she’s also 17, tall, reddy-brown hair, pale skin. She my best-friend she so nice and funny! I love her.

                We talked about people it was summer break and we were going into 5th year (don’t know what grade). Anyway, Harry went to th bathroom and Aoife got a drink, while they where gone I got a text saying you can’t hide I can still see you, your never alone! from unknown, my mouth dropped as they walked back in together and they asked what was wrong and tried to see the text I just said I had to go. I was nervous walking home knowing someone was watching me.  I looked around trying to see if anyone was watching me thankfully I felt I alone. I heard someone behind me and turned around but no-one was there. I was so scared I got into my driveway and started sprinting. Then I heard a twig snap behind me!    

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2013 ⏰

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