Few days later..

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Ashley's POV

Roc and I have been avoiding each other, of course. I miss him a little, but I feel like breaking up was the right thing to do. Prince told me he was crying a few times. I haven't shed a tear, there's no need to.

Anyways, tonight's concert was in NC. Right now Tasha and I were in Twist dressing room, chilling. She was eating ice cream and watching Avengers for the 100th time. Twist wasn't even in here, probably getting ready. Which is what I should be doing.


"Hmm?" she looked at me startled cause I caught her off guard.

I laugh a little, "Do think Keisha would let me sit this concert out? I'm not feeling up to it."

"Yeah probably, just go talk to her. You good though?"

"Yeah," I simply say without another word.

Twist walked in as I was getting up. Tasha turned and smiled, "Hi baby!"

He went over to her and kissed her, "Hey."

So cute I could hurl.🙄 "Good thing I was just leaving." Tasha stuck her tongue out at me. I did the same to her and laughed.

I left them alone and went to go find Keisha. While trying to find her of course I run into the last person I wanted to see..Roc. He just looks at me and slightly smiles. I look down, not knowing what to do. I cleared my throat, "Have you seen Keisha?"

"Um..she might be near the main area."

"Thanks." I started to walk away, because those were the first words we've said to each other in days. Roc grabbed my hand, "Ash.." 

I look at him and move my hand, "What Roc?"

"This is killing me. We haven't said anything to each other, I miss you and I just wish we could at least talk a little. I'm tired of avoiding the girl I love."

"If you truly loved me, you wouldn't have been talking to another girl," I shot at him. I sigh, "Look Roc, I miss you but I'm trying to get over this. It's best we just don't talk for a while."

I walk away before anything else was said. I finally found Keisha, "Hey Keisha, can talk to you?"

"Sure, what's up?"

"Um I wondering if I could sit this concert out, I'm not feeling up to it tonight."

"Yeah it's fine. You okay? Roc told me what happened.."

"Yeah I'm fine. Thanks."

She smiles and I give a small smile back, then leave. I walked back to Twist dressing room. I probably shouldn't go back, cuz T and Twist are most likely eating each other's faces.

I was on my phone not paying attention to where I was walking. I bumped into someone, "Sorry." I look and see Chris. I smile, he smiles back. That smile brings memories.

"Hey Ash."

"Chris. What are you doing here?"

"I might be performing tonight. I also might be staying on tour, not 100% sure."

We walked to the main area and sat together, catching up and stuff. "So how's everything?"

"Stressful, but I'm maintaining."

"Why, wassup? Talk to me ma," he smiles again.

I laugh a little, "Well..Roc and I broke up and being around each other almost 24/7 isn't helping to get over it."

Chris raised his eyebrow and made a face, "Really? Why'd y'all break up?"

"He cheated," I sighed, "but I don't wanna think about all that."

"I understand, I'm always here for you. You know that."

"Yeah," I looked down, smiling. "There's some good news too. I'm going to be an aunt!"

"Tasha's pregnant?!" I nod. "She didn't tell me! Imma get her."

Tasha and Twist walked over. "Speaking of.."

* * *

Tasha's POV

I was on Twist lap, with my legs stretched out on the couch. He held me close, while I ate more ice cream and watched Avengers. I laid my head on his chest. He played in my hair.

Ashley still hasn't come back yet. Wonder why. There was a knock on the door. "Come in."

"Twist, 10 minutes till the show starts."

"Alright thanks."

"You wanna go to the main area?"

"Yeah fine with me."

We left his dressing room. I saw Ash and Chris sitting together in the main area, talking. Hmmm, those two together again? Makes me think of high school days. Ash saw us walking over to them, "Speaking of.." I smiled. "Hey Chris."

"I should get you little one!" he exclaimed.

Twist and I sat across from them, "What? Why?"

"Um how the hell you not gonna tell me of all people, your brother since like forever, that you're pregnant!?"

"I didn't tell you! I thought you knew or I thought Ty would've told you."

"Um no. We gone have to fight now."

I laughed, " I'm sorry...yes I'm pregnant. I told you, better late than never."

"Damn. Twist you about to be a dad."

Twist sighs, "Yeah I know." He grabs my hand and kisses it.

We all talked for a while. Then Twist had to go perform. I watched him from the side. I looked back at Ash and Chris. They were smiling, talking and laughing. First time in a few days I've seen her genuinely smile. But still if Chris is gonna be on tour now, gotta keep an eye on those two..

* * *

Hey guys ☺️ tried to write a little something. Give me some feedback please. Thanks for reading and voting. Also if any of you have ideas, I'm all ears 😁. I'll try to update again soon. Love you guys💙

~ Tasha

Twisted love *Mindless Behavior and Lil Twist love story*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt