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*Brielle's point of view*
A new school. A new home. A new me.
Or at least I hope.

The journey from Kansas to Los Angelos had not been the slightest bit exciting, and as a matter of fact, it couldn't have been worse.
All the way from Kansas to Los Angelos, 1298 miles, in a car. That's right, a dinky ol' mud stained acura, 1298 miles.
The good news is that it's over now, and I'm now arrived in the city of angels.
When we did get to our new house, I didn't bother helping my dad with the remaining boxes, I whipped my long curly brown hair out of the passengers seat and bolted towards the front door. Actually, the whole thing was rather embarrassing because when I arrived on the front porch I had realized I didn't have the key, and returned to the car.
My dad handed me the keys with a smile, and I calmly reapproached the front door. I took a deep breath, inserted the key, and twisted it to the right. I closed my eyes and smelt the sweet L.A air before turning the handle and busting open the front door.
I couldn't believe my eyes. The house was so big and beautiful, I nearly felt my big brown eyes tearing up. For a while I just stood outside the door, admiring the gorgeous house that was now my own. My dad joined me and took my hand before we walked into our new lives together.
"Here we are Brielle. Welcome to the city." My dad spoke.
For a while longer I stood flabbergasted at the sight, and continued to stare.
"Well... What do you think?" Asked her father.
"I love it." I spoke for the first time since getting out of the car.
Hand in hand we entered the house. My eyes quickly wandered to the enormous chandelier swinging from the ceiling in the great room.
"How 'bout a tour?"
"That would be amazing," I answered, still without taking my eyes off of the chandelier.
We started in the kitchen, which was the most biggest kitchen I had ever seen, what would we do with all this space? We don't cook, not since mom passed, at least.
We slowly but surely made our way to the guest bedroom, located downstairs. It was huge, too! If this was how big the guest bedroom is, I could only imagine how big my bedroom would be.
There were a few other rooms downstairs, such as a game room. The game room consisted of a pool table, mini basketball hoops, air hockey, and a ping pong table. There was also a little winery, down a seperate set of stairs made out of what used to be a basement, I suppose.
Finally, the moment I had been waiting for since we first entered, the upstairs. We made our way up the long spiraling staircase and soon enough arrived at the top. There was way too many bedrooms than we needed, and the bathroom was basically the size of our old house on the farm. The master bedroom seemed to have taken up the whole upstairs, but it didn't. My room was the final destination on the tour. I slowly turned the knob and was shocked by what I saw.
My room was humongous, bigger than the downstairs room and had its own bathroom and walk in closet. I was overwhelmed by all the space, I had no idea what I would do with it.
My furniture had already been placed in the room by some movers who had come a few days prior to our arrival. I did not in anyway like the way they put together my room, but I would have to worry about that later. I had a bigger concern. I started school the next day.
"Oh my gosh" I whispered to myself when it hit me.
"I better start picking out my outfit."
And that I did, but the task was not easy.
My clothes were all too Kansas. I was in the city now. With my dads new job, we were practically rich, so I decided I would have to go shopping for the event.
I threw on some dark highwaisted jeans and an old beat up flannel, from back at the farm. I slipped on my black converse and looked in the mirror. I looked awful. There were bags under my eyes from staying awake the whole car ride here, and my curls were better off being categorized as knots. So I threw my hair up in a sloppy bun, and put on some shades.
"Dad, can I have some money?"
"Why Brielle, we just got here,"
"I know, but tomorrow's the first day of school, and I need something nice to wear,"
"Alright, take my wallet. It's on my bed. Be careful. Where are you going?"
This I hadn't yet thought about, so I quickly pulled up local shopping malls, and found that the Kardashian store, better known as Dash, was just around the corner.
"Dash. It's just around the corner, I'll walk," Although I am 16 years old, i still had not gotten my license.
"Alright, be safe!" My dad called after me, as I headed out the door, and toward dash.
The walk was short, and it felt so good to be in the city. I arrived, and was immediately overwhelmed by all the clothes.
I decided to start small and pick out the things I liked. Then, I would put some outfits together and see which I liked best.
I did exactly that, and found the perfect outfit for the next day. Since the romper itself had cost $114 , i decided to just stick with that.
I checked out and decided I would go to another store with more reasonable prices to shop for the rest of my new wardrobe. But as I walked out of the store, something caught my eye -
There was a boy who looked around my age sitting on a bench by himself, he was potentially the most handsome creature I had ever seen in my life. I couldn't just pass him up, after all, he looked lonely. So I walked over to him.
"Hello, I'm Brielle, and you are?" I asked the boy on the bench.
"Just leaving," the boy replied with a snobby grin, as he stood up and walked away, leaving me standing there by myself at the bench.
I didn't know the boy, but he seemed so perfect already. He was gorgeous. I had no clue as to what I could have done wrong, and I was determind to redeem myself.
The night grew dark, so I began to wander home. On the walk there, I couldn't stop thinking about the boy on the bench. I'm sure he wasn't as bad of a guy as he came off as, maybe i completely misread the situation.
I arrived at my home and was too tired for dinner, I went straight to my room and flopped myself down face first on my crooked bed. All I could think about as I drifted off to sleep was the boy on the bench, how we seemed lonely, what I had done wrong. All these thoughts floated around in my head, and the next thing I knew, there was a loud noise. So loud, it was all I could think about for that moment in time...

Whale, that was chapter one. Sorry it's not very long, but I promise it will improve as time goes on. Drop your thoughts or requests in the comments, and follow me on Instagram for updates and such.
Instagram: @ AdrenalineShawn
Oh & fyi i know my cover photo is Maia Mitchell, she just fit the description of Brielle so perfectly and she's so gorgeous ♡

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2016 ⏰

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