eleven [Bristol, here we come]

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e l e v e n

"Bristol, here we come!"

[two weeks later]



I immediately jumped up and started screaming, drowning out the announcer as my parents and, of course, Zoe, Raegan, and Maggie, started cheering with me.

"Oh my god, they actually won!" Zoe screamed, hugging me. It's not like they had much of a chance of losing, but I still couldn't believe they were the state champions. Because being the state champions means...

"WE'RE GOING TO BRISTOL!" the team yelled from the field, jumping up and down and hugging each other.

The girls and I hurried down the bleachers to see them. Zack ran up to Maggie and hugged her, and Braden picked up Zoe and spun her around, before setting her down on the ground and kissing her.

My mouth dropped open in shock, and Maggie and I looked at each other before breaking out into huge grins.

"Get it, BK!" Jaden said, laughing. I went up to him and gave him a huge hug, as my parents came up behind me and joined in, making it a big group hug. Jaden started whining for us to get off, but I knew he didn't mean it, if the huge smile on his face was any indicator.

"We're so proud of you, honey," my mom said as she finally let go of him, my dad nodding in agreement.

"Thanks, Mom. I love you guys," Jaden replied. "I guess even you too, Ry."

"Awww," I gushed, putting my arms around him and giving him yet another hug. "I guess I love you too, loser."

And behind the insults and fake affection, there was truth behind our words. Even though we fought all the time and acted like we hated each other, we really did love each other.


"Remember to bring a sweatshirt!" my mom called from across the hallway. "You never know what the weather might be like in Connecticut!"

I sighed as I threw another T-shirt into my suitcase. My mom has this thing about "always being prepared" - she was like a middle-aged Boy Scout with a minivan and a Southern Living subscription. So even though it was August and almost eighty degrees every day, she still insisted we bring clothes for all types of weather.

I went over to my closet, where I had a bin full of sweatshirts. I know, I have an obsession. But can you blame me? Wearing a big, oversized sweatshirt is literally the best thing in the world.

I combed through the bin, taking out several Red Land sweatshirts. Some of them were actually Jaden's, but there was no way I was going to give them back.

Then, at the bottom of the bin was a sweatshirt I didn't recognize at first.

And then I flipped it over and saw the back had "WAGNER" written on it with an 18 below it.

I picked it up and sat back on my heels, the memories of him giving it to me at the tournament in Maryland flooding back.

A breeze blew by, and I shivered due to my lack of a jacket. Of course, the one thing I forget to pack is a coat. Even though it was April and usually warm, for some reason it was in the low forties this weekend. And since I was only wearing a t-shirt and leggings, it wasn't long before I thought I would die of hypothermia.

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