Chapter 22 - Secrets and I love you's

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Aria's POV

For a few minutes we just sat on the bed, Harry holding me while I cried silently.

"Shh, it's going to be okay." Harry says trying to make me feel better. But the only thing that would make me feel better was Harry and he has to know what happend to me.

"Harry?" I say looking up at him with my tearful eyes. "I have to tell you something." I whisper.

Harry looked down at me with worried eyes. "What's wrong love?" He asks taking my hands in his.

"I wasn't really honest with you." I say looking down. Harry pulled my chin up to look him in the eyes.

"I don't care. I'm here now and will always."

"Thank you Harry." I say smiling sofly looking into his beautiful emerald green eyes.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't feel comfortable." He says. This made me smile, to know that he really cares about me.

"No, I want to." I say taking a deep breath for what I'm about to tell him. I look up to him and his full attention was on me waiting for me to continue.

"There was this guy, his name was Brandon Johnson. I had a crush on him from sophomore year. Then in my senoir year we started talking and not long after that we started dating. I was over the moon happy. We were in our relationship for about 4 months then he started to act really weird. Like I was not allowed to talk to other boys or with some of my friends. If he called me and wanted something I had to do it or other wise... o-or-" tears start to fall from my eyes from the memories. Harry just held me when I continued. "Then this one night he called me to come to his house. I was on my way but then one of my friends needed help for a lift home. After I helped my friend I went to his house. When I got inside he locked the door and looked at me with angry eyes. I never saw him like that before. When I wanted to explain to him he just hit me. And not once but three times. After that night it became a daily basis. Every night I had to go to his house and if I didn't he would get me back and make the abuse 10 times worse. I tried to cover the bruises with make-up but Charlotte knew me well. She was the only one I told."

"How did you get away from him?" Harry whispers wiping some of my tears away.

"Well, my dad found out. I don't know how but he did. He got the police involved and opend a case against him. He was found guilty and was send to jail for 6 years." After my little story I broke down in tears. Harry held me tight in his arms while I broke down.

"I'm so sorry baby." Harry said in my ear. "He'll never get to you again, I'll make sure of it."

"Thanks Harry." I whisper sitting up and wiping my tears away.

"I'm sorry baby. If I just could've been there sooner nothing like that would've happend and-" I stop Harry mid sentence by kissing him.

"Don't be. I have you know and that's all I could ask for." Harry smiled and leaning in to kiss me again.

"I also need to tell you something." Harry whispers agains my lips. I nod signalling him to continue.

"Well, you know I dated this girl named Sophie. Sophie Wilson."

"The actor?" I ask.

"Yeah she. Well we dated for about 3 months and I was happy. I'm not gonna lie I was. She moved in with me after 2 months of dating and I thought she was it for me. But then one day when I got back home from working in the studio I found her in bed with another man. In my bed and my house. I was broken. I felt like there was no more purpose in life for me. We broke up about a year ago."

"I'm sorry Harry. You didn't deserve that." I say lifting my hand to cup his cheek. He smiled softly at me.

"But you know what? I believe everything happens for a reason and if that didn't happen I would never have met you. And I'm so glad I was there that day at the interview." I just chuckle looking down. "But.." he continues, "I'm going to be honest with you. She is trying to contact me again. But I don't want anything to do with her and you don't have to feel for one second that I would leave you for her cause I won't. Ari, I know we have been dating for a few months now but... but I fell in love with you. I never fell for a girl this quickly but you, Ari, you made me a better person, the person I want to be and Aria Smith I love you."

He loves me? Wow! Didn't see this coming..

"Harry." I say looking into his eyes, "I love you too. I fell in love with you the minute I decided to become your girlfriend."

A big smile grew on his face and he didn't hesitate to lean in and kiss me. His tongue swept over my bottom lip and I didn't hesitate to give him access into my mouth. This moments with Harry is my favourite and I wouldn't want it any other way.

"Thanks for telling me." Harry said putting his forehead against mine and looking deep into my eyes.

"Thanks for telling me your story and for listening." I say smiling.

"Always love." Harry said giving me another peck on the lips before standing up offering me his hand.

"What do you say we go tell the others? Only of you want to." He quickly said.

"Yeah, I think it's for the best. But Louis already knows." I say looking down.

"What? How does he know before me?" Harry asks.

"Well, you know that one time when we were on the bus playing Xbox and when we lost I liked freaked out? Well that night Louis and I talked and I don't know but I just told him. I needed someone and Char wasn't there. Please don't be mad." I quickly said.

"Love, I'm not mad. I understand." Harry says pulling me into his arms. I let a breath of relief out happy that Harry wasn't mad. "But wait a second. Did he even hit you when you lost a game or something?"

That brought back all the bad memories. "Yeah, everything I did wrong in his eyes I would get punished." I say feeling the tears coming back.

"I swear, if I see that bastard I would kill him." I just gave Harry a kiss on his chest trying to calm him down.

"Let's just go tell the others." I say changing the subject. I feel that I need to let them in. Their my friends now and they wouldn't hurt me. We stand up and walked back into the living room where the other boys and Char are.

I'm so lucky to have Harry as my boyfriend. He listened to me and gave me his full attention like nothing else mattered beside me.

What happened with Harry was terrible. How could someone live with that? If I get that girl she better run cause nobody hurt my Harry and get away with it.

I just hope that Harry and I stay together forever. I don't want anybody else. I want Harry. I love Harry.

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Till next time.! Xxx

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