My nightmare comes true

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I'm still driving at dawn when I hear the pounding of an engine behind me. I turn my head around to see something I only had nightmares about. The wavy hair of a guy, about sixteen years old or so, pokes out from the seat of the van charging after me. I assume immediately that it's the exact same van that I saw when they murdered my grandparents and stole my belongings.
Then I realize who it is that has been thrown in the van; Chase.
I expected to be overwhelmed by sorrow, instead I experienced the opposite. Anger surged within me, living and breathing in triumph. I writhed in pain. My eyes started to glow red in the irises. My hands glowed with a purple hue. Screaming in agony my skin darkened in color, becoming swarmed by the essence of death. A symbol with intersecting lines in the shape of a spider begins engraving itself in my right hand.
I swerve my motorcycle in a circle motion and and begin charging towards the vehicle.
"Ahhh!!!! How DARE you!!!!!," My voice is wretched with hate,"YOU do NOT take MY chase!!!"
I have no control anymore as I wave my hand, creating and dark spark that rips the van apart and flings the two mangled chunks away from each other.
I hear muffled screams as people from the van get thrown into oblivion. I jump off my motorcycle and let it spiral over into the ditch to my right, opposite of the bad guys. I catch my landing with extreme ease and contort my hands to lift the two drivers up by their throats. I start to close my fist when I hear a shout from my right.
"Don't! Please Vera! Stop this!!!" It was chase's voice,"I know your hurt, but you can control this I know you can!!"
My expression softens. But it doesn't stop it from returning to hate.
"No! I must stop this!!!! They, did this to you!!!!!!" I was so ticked at even the mention of sparing them! They didn't deserve to live! But–then I again....
I try to fight the force that's pulling my fist shut. It felt like a one million gigawatts of power was closing in on my hand. I groan as I try to fight it.
Yes...that's it! KILL THEM!!! The emotional overrider's voice cut into my mind.
No! I can't! Think of what chase would think of me!! I barked back.
Don't you get it?! Ever since you took my deal I'VE been in control, not you! I'M leading you to victory!! Haha!
Well, I didn't know that?!
Well obviously! Then you would NEVER have taken my deal!
You stupid jerk!
I think hard on keeping my control. I tried focus on what was important. My hand wavered a little more freely. Yes! I  thought.
"You can do it Vera!" Chase shouts.
"Ok! I'm trying!!!" I manage.
"C'mon! I believe in you! Just focus on me!"
"Ok...," I tried to focus harder. I tried to keep his image in my head. Glaring appeared instead, all the people who've bullied me, or said I was a monster. All at once.
"Ahhhh!!!!!" I scream in pain. clenching my forehead with my hands, I wince as images of my sorrow and loneliness and fear reigned full terror in my subconscious.  A few moments go by filled with torture, guilt, shouldn't haves', sorrow, and grief. It felt like my mind began to swell. Then suddenly, it all stopped. The images and memories dropped and I went back to normal. I fall to the ground. My whole world fades into blackness.
When I wake up I am being shook by chase in a ditch.
"Wake up! Wake up! C'mon!"
"Ah...what....?" I blink slowly. My head is is pounding and my whole body aches.
"You blacked out."
"Well...yeah. That's clear. But what happened?"
"Well— sort of kind of almost, killed a couple people..."
"What?" I can't help but stare off into space.
"Uh...haha–just kidding..."
He lies horribly...I thought.
I glare.
"You've got me. Why did you even do that anyway?"
"I–I don't must've been–ah! It was that dumb Emotional Overrider!" I clench my fist,"If I hadn't been so cocky and stupid, this NEVER would have happened! I really am a monster..." I gaze into the sky, looking for guidance. Doesn't work—figures.
"No. Your not. It's not your fault. You were just sad...and angry. You just didn't know what to do. Like me when I try to talk to you..." He blushes, yet he still looked very serious.
"No. I lost control and I lashed out. I'm so sorry.." I can't quite meet his eyes.
"Don't worry about it. Live in the now. Life is too short, and we don't have much time..." He gazes into my eyes. Staring endlessly. It draws me in and I can't look away.
"No buts. Your my life. I can't lose you." His expression of concern, his dazzling eyes filled with a deep Azul blue, that fades into a light teal. It looks like the beautiful ocean, on a warm summer day. I am speechless in awe as I find my arms slipping around him, pulling him close. He encases his arms around me, making me feel cradled in warmth.
The words,"I love you...," escape my mouth.
"I love you too..." His dazzling smile seems to shine through the darkness.
I smile as well.
The stars shine even brighter, like they've been waiting for something like this to happen to me. I'm already in shock that this is happening. But then something amazing happens. He lifts his arms up so he's cradling my head, and then he leans down to kiss me.
At first my mind is having trouble processing what was happening. Then I close my eyes and pull him closer. We just stand their kissing for a few minutes.
He still holds me close when he softly backs his face away from mine.
"How are you now?" He whispers in my ear.
I smile and reply,"Better."
That was hardly the proper word for it. I mean, I've been hoping and dreaming for this to happen since the third grade. But I decided to keep my real feelings about this on the down-low. Another time.., I promised myself.
"So, do you think they're still here?" I ask, finally being jarred back to reality.
"No, I think you scared them away pretty well." He says a-matter-of-factly.
"Fair enough. How's my bike?"
If we didn't have my bike in full operation, this mission would never work. So this was our utmost priority. Among other–more interesting things.
"A little dented. But it shouldn't take too long to fix. I'll fetch the toolbox from the van."
I wait. Walking over aways in the ditch I find my bike. The back-view mirror was tilted sideways and the front fender was a little messed up. Otherwise, it was fine. Chase came running back with a red toolbox.
"Here. I'll help." He opened the latch on the toolbox, setting it on the ground. Lifting the lid all the way open he scrutinized the insides.
"Woah. This isn't just your run-of-the-mill toolbox!"
As it turns out, he was right. There was blow-torches, mini-sledge hammers, wires and sheets of metal to create home-made hand grenades with, and all the tech gadgets you could think of.
"Nice! Okay, you know what to do."
"Aye aye captain Vera!" He salutes.
I can't help but snort.
"Okay you little goofball. Get to work."
I grab a blowtorching mask and it's matching color-coordinated blowtorch and got to work. I melted the metal dents out to be pounded to a proper shape. Chase took pliers and cut out pieces of the sheets of metal to be welded on to certain areas. After welding, pounding, and a little examination of our work, we were done.
" We need to get to Manaska City Hall of Secret Records. Do you know where that is?"
"Please, I'm a human compass!"
Ever since Chase could read, he's been studying maps. Anything he could get his hands on. If you needed help getting somewhere, he was the guy to call.
"Okay. Since it doesn't look like you have anything to take you home. You can ride with me. But just so you know, I'll be driving and you will be giving me directions. Okay?"
"No, you need to sleep. You look exhausted. I'll drive."
I knew he wouldn't budge until I said yes, so I reluctantly agreed, stood up the motorcycle, got on with him in front instead of me, wrapped my arms around him, and let my eyes drift to sleep.
This time no dreams greeted my sleep. Just the calming sound of the wind blowing and Chases heart beating in my ears as we drove into the night. I guess after today, the Emotional Overrider wasn't ready to talk to me again. I decided to call that a win for the night.
And I have to say, it actually felt really good to have Chase on this journey with me.

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