The Unexpected Greeting

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Hyuk sat in the front of the science classroom with his best friend Ravi. Ravi has been his best friend for a long time. He was the one who helped him when he was bullied on the playground. It was something that he could remember very easily...
"You shouldn't be on this slide. It's only for big kids like me." A 1st grade girl with red, curly hair said as she pushed a tiny Hyuk off the slide. Hyuk fell on the ground with an 'oof', flat on his stomach and started to cry. He sat up and touched his knee, seeing that it had been scratched. He looked up at the girl at the top of the slide laughing, with tears in his eyes. She slid down then walked to him.
"Awww do you want your mommy to come and kiss your boo boo all better?" She asked in an annoyingly high voice as five kids started to laugh. Hyuk sniffled and nodded his head. The girl knelt down and poked the scrape on his knee. Hyuk let out a little cry.
"St-stop it, please." He pleaded as he tried to push her away. But it didn't work. She continued to poke it until a boy in all his class with nice black hair came up to them.
"Sally stop messing with him." The boy said. Sally stopped poking it, looked at the boy and blushed.
"S-sorry Wonshik." She stood up and walked off to the swings. Hyuk looked up at the boy and wiped his tears.
"Come on, let's go get you a band-aid." The boy, Wonshik, said as he grabbed Hyuks' hand, pulled him into his arms and walked into the school. "My name's Wonshik but call me Ravi. What's your name?" He asked as he looked at the tiny boy in his arms.
"H-Han Sanghyuk." Hyuk whispered. Ravi chuckled, ruffled Hyuks' hair and mumbled "cute". Hyuk blushed and hid his face in Ravis' neck. Once they got to the nurses' office, Ravi put Hyuk in the chair.
"So why was Sa-..."
Hyuks' thoughts were interrupted by the teachers' booming voice. He looked up to see what was going on and saw the teacher yelling at Hongbin. The "oh so dreamy" Hongbin. The one who Hyuk has a crush (no he doesn't) on. He looked at Hongbin and noticed that he was wearing one of Hyuks' favorite outfits. Hongbin was wearing black skinny jeans that made his ass look good, a white mesh shirt, boots and a black leather jacket to top it off. Hyuk softly bit his lip as he kept looking Hongbin over. Ravi looked over at him and chuckled. He tapped Hyuks' shoulder which made Hyuk jump a little.
"What Ravi?" Hyuk asked with an annoyed voice.
"You were staring again." Ravi said as he pointed to Hongbin. "Are you sure you don't like him?"
" I don't!" Hyuk yelled, causing everyone, including Hongbin, to look at him. Hyuk blushed and dropped his head on the table. Ravi laughed and pat his back as Hyuk whined.


'Fuck! I'm late to class.' Hyuk thought as he ran down the hall to his next class. He had to take a potty break because he had drank too many juice boxes. He was suddenly feeling very thirsty during lunch ever since Hongbin walked in. He turned the corner and was met with a very unpleasant feeling. He stumbled back and fell on his butt.
"Shit. Are you okay?" Someone asked.
Hyuk looked up at the blurry person and replied, "Yeah I'm perfectly fine. I sure do love making out with lockers." They person standing in front of him chuckled and held out his hand. Hyuk took the hand and pulled himself up. "Thanks uhh-"
"Hongbin. Lee Hongbin." The person said. Hyuks' eyes widened. 'Hongbin? That's Hongbin? Hongbin just helped me up? Is it really him or did I just hit my head really hard? Nah I don't think that's hi-' There was a snap infront of his face which made him jump and the other person chuckle. "Aren't you gonna say something?" The person who supposed he was Hongbin said and realized that it was him once his vision cleared up.
"O-oh thanks. Well I have to get back to class." Hyuk said quickly then ran to his Art class.
"Umm okay. Bye." Hongbin yelled as he watched the boy run away.

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