Shipping and Season 3 Update

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First what you'll probably care about more: the Season 3 Update. 

Season 3 currently has the underlying plot line for the curse and characters but is still awaiting quotes to use in the episodes and the crimes. I am also working on the cover as well but as that shouldn't take long I'm working on finding the quotes first for inspiration. 

Now, onto the shipping! 

So Forever doesn't center around romance but it is there. I would like your opinions on the pairings you'd like to see. 

1st: HenryXJo (like season 1 had)

2nd: HenryXValdis (Immortal couple anyone?)

3rd: JoXVetis (Has she really been working for him the entire time?)

4th: AdamXJaylyn (They have already been through so much together in the past.)

5th: LucasXJaylyn (Season 2 close friends)

6th: Other (just comment your pairing) 

Joke pairing: HenryXScarves.(sorry I had to) 

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