Part 6

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I was about to do my first scene for Who and was very excited. I stood behind a wall and prepared my British accent.


"Okay, I think it's this way." The doctor  said getting closer to a women he didn't know was there. The woman suddenly walked away from the wall and straight into him.

"Oof, oh! Hello love I didn't think I'd find you here." The  young woman said.

"Hello? Do I know you." The doctor said confused at her friendly demeanor.

"Uh yeah I'm... Oh. Time travel... spoilersss." The woman sang. "Is this the first you have seen of me?"

"Yes, it's a pleasure to meet you, I'm the doctor." He said and stuck out his hand.

"I know, I'm Elizabeth swan, you can call me Lizzy." The young woman said shaking the doctors hand.

The doctor led Amy and Rory past Lizzy and down a dark hallway.

"So, the Cybermen King should be just past this door. Ah! Wood. It always has to be wood!" The doctor says exasperated.

"Let me love." Lizzy says flipping a Sonic Screwdriver and catching it in her hand. She points it at the door and it creaks open. "Works on wood." She said and winks at the doctor.

"Who is she?" Asks an annoyed Amy

"I don't know. I hate not knowing." The doctor says and follows Lizzy into the room.

"Cut." A voice rang out. "Wonderful! Can we do Lizzy running into the doctor once more." We nod and go back to our positions.


I waited for Matt to say his line and walked out, bumping into him. But the combination of matts foot getting caught on a prop and me falling into him we both end up on the floor. I was on top of him.

"Hello love." I say giggling.

"Hello." Matt says laughing. I rest my head on his chest laughing and get up after a minute to help him up.

"Okay, back to one." The director says.


"Okay Molly, Matt you are done. Karen and Arthur we need you to do a couple more scenes." A man on the side says. Matt and I walk away and go to costume to change back into our regular clothes, but Matt has a brilliant idea.

" you know what we should do?"

"Yeah?" I say taking off the army jacket.

"Let's swap clothes and try to fool some of the cast."

I laugh and agree. We go into separate changing stalls and change out of our costumes. Matt slides his outfit under my door and I slide mine under his. I slip on his dark pants and white shirt and slide the suspenders over my shoulders. I lace up the boots and pull on the tweed jacket. They were all a bit big but for the most part they fit. I walk out to have Matt help me with the bow tie to find him already dressed. I stifle a giggle and grin at him.

"Would you help me with this?" I say still smiling.

"Oh of course." Matt says in a high voice and curtsies at me. He ties the bow tie and air kisses both my cheeks.

"Lovely darling." He says

"Thanks man." I say and sling my arm over his shoulder.

"I don't do that, do I?" Matt said referring to my arm.

"You do this all the time." I say giggling.

"Oh sorry.."

"No, no, It's okay, I like it." I said stopping to ruffle his hair.

"oh! Wait wait!" I say and grab Matts arm and drag him to a make up chair. I grab a black hat and some blond extensions and make matts hair look as much like mine as I can.

He laughs and says its my turn. He parts my hair to the side and clips it up it looks relatively short. He then gasps and runs back to the costumes room. He comes out ginning and twirling a fez on his pointer finger.

"Here you go my dear." Matt says and fits the fez over my hair.

"It looks pretty good man." I say and hop up slinging my arm over his shoulder again. We walk back onto set and pretend to be each other. Matt did a lot of high pitched giggling and I kept saying fezzes were cool. I saw Karen approaching and turned us around so she couldn't see our faces.

"Hey guys, I was just talking to Moff and he said he wanted to tell you Molly, all about Elizabeth! You excited?" Karen asks me.

"Yeah!" I say for Matt and laugh a bit.

"I though you were going to change? Why aren't you facing me? Somethings fishy." Karen says and jumps in front of us. Matt pulls his black hat down and I hide my face in Matts side. Karen narrows her eyes and notices my weird hair.

"Oh I see what's going on here Molly, or should I say Matt!" Karen rips off the hat and I look up grinning.

"Matt! We have to go! They are going to find out our secret!" Matt said to me in a high pitched voice.

"Let's make a break for it man." I said and Matt and I took off running to hide in a changing stall. We were trying to be quiet but our giggles could be herd from a mile away. Karen found us with the help of Arthur and Matt and I walked out in a heap of giggles. I clutched my stomach from laughing so hard and he had a hand resting on my shoulder.

"All right Matt, Molly lets get you guys back in your regular clothes. Come on come on, we don't have all day." Arthur said. Matt sent me a goofy grin and we walked into changing stalls to get dressed in our regular clothes.

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