It has begun

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The titles will be that of songs I have heard before with an amv with that song.


I just woke up.

I remember the fight with Sasuke.

I failed in keeping my promise.

I failed my way of the ninja.

No one cares.

I place a fake smile on.

No one sees its fake.

No one sees my scars.

No one feels my pain.

No one senses me.

I failed my Anbu team.

They all died.

Protecting me.

My father ignores me.

He favors my twin sister.

My mother abuses me.

My mother once mistoke me for my father.

And she raped me.

She got pregnant.

My father was confused.

Why can't they see my face?

I'm alone.

I was raped by the Anbu Ferret.

He somehow got me pregnant.

Right after that.

I was beaten.


I'm alone.

I'm abused.

I'm raped.

That's not all.

My godfather died infront of me.

I couldn't do anything.

I restarted my cutting.

Now I cut in the open shadows in public.

No one noticed.

No one saw the depressed kid on the bench with a melting Popsicle.

I'm abused.

I'm raped.

I'm alone.

And most of all.

I'm ignored.

Start of story

Naruto pov

I'm 15 almost 16 and my parents have completely abandoned me for my twin sister Naomi.

I put on my black skin tight tank top and matching black pants with also matching black boots. Over that I put on a long coat with only the left sleeve. The coat is black with blood red edges.

I put on my Crimson fox mask and my sun kissed hair goes blood red. My eyes are like pools of freshly spilled blood. I strap my sword to my back. It's a black blade that has a Crimson edge with the hilt being a swirl of red and black. The sheath is a very dark red.

I head out in the shadows knowing no one will miss me. I have everything in seals in my necklace that has a cat's eye, sakura, Sharingan, and uzumaki swirl all mixed into one forming dark red angel like wings.

I left one note saying:

Dear whoever the fuck reads this,

I have left. You can probably guess who I am during the day. If it's Minato reading, then shame on you for going along with your slut wife because she raped me and claimed you were drunk when you two had sex. Just no. I have had it with 15 going on 16 years of being ignored. I hope your happy. And call team seven and ask them this question,' Which one of you has felt a chakra difference while Naruto was around?' Then you will feel sorry. Because whoever answers will follow me. Even if it's becoming a missing nin. I'm already one technically.

Crimson Fox.

And I hope they all feel sorry.

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