Chapter 1: Introduction

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Hi there, first chapter is more of a introduction of the characters!! Enjoy!!

Deadpool's introduction: 

Hi there, Deadpool here. I am one of the main characters in this story, other being Demon herself. So, let me tell you guys a little bit about myself. I am a assassin, mercenary and a pervert. Oh and I have alot of weapons, so yeah. Blood, blood, bbblllooooddd, I love blloodd. I also have a voice inside my head which is called Deathstroke. And I have a girlfriend which you guys will read and find out who it's but enough of me ;) 

Demon's intro:

Hi, Demon here and I'm going to talk about myself right now. First off, when you're pissing me off, I will go from normal girl mode to what my name stands for "Demon", multiply that by 300 and you get what I call "Bat shit crazy Demon" mode. I also have a boyfriend which you will read and find out about. So, I & my bf, we live in my BIGASS mansion in Sweden and guess what it looks like. It looks alot like the villa in Assassin's Creed 2 & ACBH(Assassin's Creed Brotherhood). My bf & I have 10 rooms in my villa as weapons rooms. So, let the story begin, shall we?

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