Helping Out A Friend

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Connor knew that everything wasn't as it seemed, especially with people. Specifically in his case, Hayden UpChurch. On the outside, his best friend seemed cheerful and carefree, but Connor knew there was something else. He could see the sadness in his eyes when he was left alone to think. It killed him to know that he wasn't happy.

He was a good kid who got drug into this shitstorm because of his parents selfishness. He knew about the custody battle, and hated that an innocent person was signed up to be unwound despite them doing nothing wrong just as much, if not more, than when the kid had actually "done" something bad.

He leaned back in his chair, his shoulders heaving with a sigh. He then stood, making his way to where he always does when he needs to talk.

Connor walks up to where Risa is and hugs her from behind. "Guess who." She smiles and wraps her arms around his, "I have no idea who it could be." He walked in front of her wheelchair, kneeling down and pecking a kiss on her lips.

When Connor pulled away, she could see that he wasn't himself. "What's wrong?" she asked. "I've just been thinking."

"About?" she prompted, staring up at him. "About Hayden." She became concerned, "Is something wrong? Does he need my help?" she asked, referring to her medical aid. "No he's not hurt, at least on the outside." Risa's brows furrowed, "What do you mean?" Connor sat down beside her, "Do you ever notice how unhappy he looks sometimes?" Risa looked down at her lap, "Yeah. I always want to find out what's wrong, but every time I start to open my mouth to say something, he snaps out of it, going back to his cheerful self. I just want to know what's bothering him." Connor sighed, "So do I Risa. So do I."

Sorry this chapter is so short, and Hayden isn't really in this one, but you gotta start somewhere. I had originally thought this to be a one shot, but since I've been getting so many positive comments, I thought I'd start some things up again. Expect more updates, and I'll try to write some new stories. I am thinking of also doing a Valentines Day Unwind fic. Stay awesome all you wonderful people, I really do appreciate the feedback.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2016 ⏰

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