Honey and cinnamon face mask

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I have just tried this acne remedy today so I'm not sure if it works but we'll see! This mask is supposed to help acne and acne scarring and such plus honey is know to be good for skin. Feel free to google more info about this and find what else it helps with. Now during the mask(I'm not sure if this is natural cause this is the first ever face mask I've tried) my face felt all tingly and itchy. Again not sure if it's natural or what but if it happens to you leave a comment saying it did it didn't tingle or itch. Anwho!!
What you'll need..
1 teaspoon of cinnamon (powder not sticks but feel free to experiment with grounded up sticks or whatever)
3 1/2 teaspoons of honey
Mix ingredients. Wash face with water. Apply cinnamon and honey mixture to face and let it sit for 10-15 minutes (I did about 10) afterwards,remove substance with lukewarm water and let your face dry,about 5-10 minutes later use a toner.(I used lemon juice) and let that sit for a minute then I washed my face again and BAM! Done! Lol
Hope this helps!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2016 ⏰

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