Chapter 6: Cross County & Motel Californa Part 1

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Rose Pov

I was on the bus thinking bout how Derek died and I couldn't heal cause of my depression. I was sitting next in the back of the bus next to Scott and Stiles but they were watching me wince at every time I would move "Rose are u sure you are okay" Stiles asked me "I'm fine" I say "No your not cause your bleeding and I can see it through your shirt and smell it" Scott says "I just lost my brother and the only family I have left it Peter and Cora. It's not every day you lose someone close to you" I say slash yell "We need to stop the bus" Stiles say "No! Scott Boyd claws are coming out and he breathing heavily" I told them while I saw Demi sit in the front listing to our conversation so I just gave her a heads up "Demi. I know your listing. Tell Deucalion I said Ennis deserve to die since he did something to my brother that hurt him badly... Deucalion deserve for what he did" I say to her and she had a angrily look on her face which made me smirk but I saw Stiles talking to coach but he kept blowing the whistle which kept making me laugh but hurt my stomach so I would wince each time. Some kid threw up on the bus but I was getting dizzy so Scott and Isaac helped me of the bus and helped me to the bathroom and I already saw Allison and Lydia "She not in good shape" Allison says "She just depressed of Derek death. That's why she not healing" Scott says "But she needs to heal!" Isaac said sounding worry "She might die cause of it" Stiles says "She needs to know at least she healing" Scott says "Maybe that she needs to sow her cuts so she can know that she is" Allison says. I started seeing images of Derek death over, and over, and over again and I just take that pain anymore so I started crying and screaming, I felt Isaac hand on mine taking some pain away from me then I started feeling light headed and more dizzy and I just blacked out

Isaac Pov

Rose blacked out but I could hear her heart beat at a low paste "Her heart rate is going down so we either make her heal or let her die and i'm going with choice one!" I say while everyone had there head down "Well someone help me!!" I yelled "Isaac the only thing we can do is sow but we have nothing to sow with" Scott says "We have to make her to think that she healing" Allison say "How?!" I asked confused "By making her Derek alive" She says "Were gonna bring Derek back from the dead!" I say sarcastically "We have to find a voice mail or something that will make her believe" Stiles says "Try doing that" I say walking out of the bathroom and headed to the bench where Boyd was until I heard Ethan talk "Wow Isaac! Girl already giving up on you or she just tired of your bullshit!" Ethan says "I'm surprise Danny dealing with you! I know I wouldn't if you weren't a big jackass like you are"  I say, He growled "Ennis already dead so at least one dying" He says which gets me real pissed off so I pushed him against the tree and started punching him in his jaw and he started bleeding until I heard Boyd calling me "Isaac stop!" He yelled and people get surrounding us then I heard Scott "Isaac!!" He yelled and I just let go and saw Rosalie being carried by Allison and Stiles "Isaac" She says I look to see her "You okay" I ran to her "Peachy" She says smiling and laughing, We got on the bus and sat down, Rose sat next to me on the bus and she saw Demi. I knew she wanted to tell her that Deucalion was lying to her bout her family, I really wish her bestfriend wasn't part of this life "Isaac. Don't worry bout them" Rose says while holding her side "What happen when you were in the bathroom" I asked "When I blacked out I saw flashbacks of me and Derek when my Mom Talia use to leave the house and everybody left and be me and Derek we would always play hide and seek in the dark so I can learn how to use my wolf vision at night and I always found Derek but sometimes he could never find me" She says smiling and tear coming down her face "I bet you had a great family" I say to her "I think you would of liked them" She says looking a at me with a smile and I started leaning in and so did she and we kissed. I smiled in the kiss "Do you want to be mine?" I asked her "Wow! Isaac Lahey being innocent for once and cheesy" She says and laughing "I always have the cheesiest comments ever Hale. You wouldn't know bout" I say smiling "Oh really" She says mocking a mother yelling at a 7 year old but laughing and trying to be serious which was adorable "Yep really but you never answer my question Hale" I say to her "I'll think bout it Lahey" She says turning her head away "Okay let me give you choices A yes B to A or C to B" I say "Wow! That's cheesy, I'll pick.... D" She says "But there no D" I say confused "That's the point Lahey" She says, I looked down with a sad look trying to tease her "Lahey not the look! Please the guilt coming over me... Fine. Yes!!" She says kissing my cheek "That's what I thought" I say laughing "And I thought you were innocent"She says "Who said I was innocent" I say "So your innocent and a badass" She says "Maybe" I say looking at her while she kissed me on the lips with full passion, All I felt was bombs not even no words that can describe how much this is I thought to myself

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