Harry Potter Ch 1

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    Rose Ran down the long, dark, hallway. It felt to her as if it would never end. She looked at the doors. Each one had a name on them. She reached some stairs. She climbed them. She stopped once she reached the top. Rose stayed there and heard something going on. She heard voices of..... People. Rose quietly moved back down the stairs. Once she reached the bottom, she saw a man. The man had a scruffy beard and white hair. That moment, Rose woke up to the beeping sound of the alarm clock. Rose got out of her bed which had Gryffindor sheets and a pillow. She walked over to her dresser which there lay quite a few model wands that her mother and father gave her. She picked each one up and felt it. There was The Elder wand, Ron Weasley's: (her father) wand, Ginny Potters wand, Hermione Granger's: (her mother) wand and Harry Potter's wand. Rose was excited for her special day! She couldn't wait to get to Hogwarts, meet some friends and see her old friends! Rose was finally old enough to join in on magic. Her brother Hugo could join in one more year. The year is 2016 and it is Rose's Birthday! She was eager to get out of bed and she raced down stairs to her mother sitting at the table, lighting the cake candles. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROSE!" Rose's kin were sitting in the Kitchen as she came down for breakfast. Hermoine was fixing the cake, as Ron was making pancakes. Rose's Cake had her name on the top with a wand in the middle. It was Snape's wand. The wand that she was wanted since the star of her collection was Snape's.
"Go get dressed honey" Hermione said.
    Rose raced up the stairs, back into her room. She looked around for her Hogwarts Slippers. She also slid on her Quidditch rocks shirt and her jeans. At that moment, the doorbell rang.
"Rose, come down please!"
    She raced back down the steps and into the living room. On the floor was the letter that read:
                                                                      Ms. Rose Weasley
                                                                       1466 Elm Street
    Rose quickly picked the letter off the ground and flipped it over. She saw the Hogwarts sticker holding the flap to the rest of the envelope. Rose pealed the sticker off slowly to conserve the letter and pulled out a sheet of paper with golden lining. She pulled it out.

                                                                   HOGWARTS SCHOOL

                                                       OF WITCHCRAFT AND WIZARDRY
                                                   Headmaster: Neville Longbottom
                (Order of Merlin, Second Class,    Grand Sorc., Warlock, Supreme Mugwump)

    Dear Ms. Weasley,
    We are sorry to inform you that you have been denied from Hogwarts School of Wizardry. You are welcome to apply next year as a first year. Better luck next time.

Professor Twinkle
Head Mistress

"So, did you get in?" Hermione asked. 

    Rose looked down with a sad attitude and went to her room.

    For the next hour, Rose sat in her room, crying. Her sheets were off her bed and her wands were scattered on the floor.
"Worst Birthday ever!" Rose screamed. Suddenly, footsteps came stepping right up to her room. She peered through the crack in her door. It was Hermione.
"Dont come in," Rose told her.
"I wanna talk," Hermione said.
    The door cracked open. Rose was on her bed with her head in her pillow.
"I was most certain that you got in! Neville sent me an owl a week ago saying that you were accepted. There must be some mistake!"
    Rose picked the letter back up and looked at it again. She looked all around the top, bottom, even the back of the paper. She started crying again. Suddenly, one of her tears fell on the Hogwarts emblem. Something was in the Paper. Rose immediately stopped crying, and she opened the crack in the top of the paper up. Inside was an inclosed note that said:

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2016 ⏰

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Harry Potter 9 Fan Fiction Chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now