Chapter 1

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"You know what? No if you're not coming I'm staying" said Chloe unpacking her bag.

"Chloe. No. You're going, I am gonna be fine! Besides I have a lot to do; I have not finished unpacking and I have an audition tommorow remember?" I said packing back her pink slippers.

"Rola it's christmas and I'm gonna be gone for two weeks I cannot leave you here alone, besides I already told my parents you will be joining us please."

"Maybe next time"

"That's what you said the last time..." she said looking at me with pity in her eyes. I hate it when she looks at me that way. "You know Jesus will be very mad at you! You never celebrate his birthday".

I laughed. "Cloh who says I'm christian I might be muslim or jewish."

"Are you sure you do not want to come?" she said brushing her long brown hair "you know Sly is gonna be there this year too."


"Sylvester.. Aunt Caroline's new step son"

"Oh.. yeah.. the guy you pimped me out to last year..." I said giving her the side eye.

"I did not pimp you out..." she said dragging her words "he saw your picture on my phone and liked you. Just let me give him your number please!! Did I mention he's tall, with raven coloured hair, beautiful blue eyes and a perfect body" she said with her annoying but cute little girl voice.

I sat on her bed awkwardly trying to find space inbetween her spread out clothes.

"Oh so someone who happens to resemble my boyfriend-who you do not like by the way-accidentally saw my picture on your phone?" I said sipping my can of soda.


I looked at her with a smirk on my face.

"Well no but Gideon's an Asshole Rola! Sly has all the Gideon hotness but is actually a nice guy you know."

"Chloe!!" I yelled nearly choking on my grape soda "he's a really a nice guy once you get to know him"

"He is a player... I just don't want you to get hurt."

"He has not cheated on me, so I am not going to hold rumors of his past history against him."

"Yet... he has not cheated on you yet. He clearly likes you Rola, but we both know guys like Gideon are sex maniacs. He is not pressuring you for sex, yes, and I know he would wait for you but it will not stop him from having flings here and there".

"You know what? I think I have to rehearse my lines" I said heading towards her door.

I hate it when people do that. Why think bad of someone and judge them from mere rumours. I went in my room and closed my door.

"Rola! come on... I am sorry... Rola..."

As soon as I heard her leave I felt bad. I would not be able to see her for two weeks and I know I will miss her. I hate when we fight over silly stuff like this. Yoi see, Chloe and I have been best friends since I was eight years old. She along with my other two roomates/friends Alexis and Stefan are practically the only family I have. I quickly sprang off my bed and ran down the stairs to catch up with her. I found her almost entering a cab. She looked at me with her puppydog, light brown eyes and a soft smile on her face. I hugged her goodbye without saying a word and went back to my room.

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