Dean X Reader - Camera Shy

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"Dean, no! I don't like cameras." You turned your back as your boyfriend lifted his video camera. He laughed and said, "Why, (y/n)? Nobody is going to see it!" You groaned and flopped down on the motel's couch, then put your hand over your face and muttered, "Fine, but if this gets out, I maim you." Deans face broke into a huge smile and he reached for your hand. You slapped it away and said, "No sucking up either." You stood and started walking to the kitchen and Dean followed, holding up his camera.

    "Why are we documenting a day of my life again?"

    "Because tomorrow is your birthday, and it's fun." You opened the refrigerator and leaned in, saying, "Yeah for you." Dean chuckled silently as you slammed the fridge shut and glared at him.

    "So you're just gonna follow me around with that thing all day?" He nodded, "Yep, pretty much." You sat at the table and groaned again, "Great!"

    "Dean, wake up!" Dean groaned, and opened his eyes to see you standing over him, your (h/l) (h/c) hair hanging forward, your (e/c) eyes filled with excitement, holding his video camera. He reached over and grabbed it from you.
"What's this for?" You tucked your hear behind your ear nervously, "Well, I kinda had fun last year, so I was thinking we could make it a thing? Like every year the day before my birthday we film our day?" Dean smiled and sat up, turning on the camera. He held it out and pulled you down next to him, so you were both in the camera screen. He leaned over and kissed you and said, "I like this idea, so, how old are you gonna be? Twenty four, right?" You nodded and the both of you stood and went to go do some crazy stuff on camera.

    "(Y/n), what are you doing?" Dean looked over the camera to see you dancing around the motel room. Some weird song, probably by (fav band), played over the radio and you laughed.

"I'm celebrating, Dean, I'm turning twenty five tomorrow!" Dean sat the camera on a shelf, making sure it was still filming and got you in the frame and went over. He court your hand in his and said, "Well, maybe we should celebrate together." You both danced like dorks until Sam walked in. He stopped when he saw his brother and you dancing around and then spotted the camera on the shelf. He chuckled and shook his head, walking by. He paused behind you and looked at the camera, making weird faces and dancing for a second, then ran out of the room.

"Woo-hoo, twenty six tomorrow!" You held out your beer to the Sam and Cas, clinking them together before you all took a drink. Cas looked at the camera and reached to turn it off but you stopped him.

"Nope, not until the day's over! All day we film, no matter what happens! And no matter who is in it!" Dean walked into the room holding a beer in one hand and a plate with a cupcake in the other. He stopped behind the chair where you were sitting and leaned over to kiss you on the cheek. You smiled and reached back to hug him. He set his beer on the table in front of you and handed you the cupcake. You took it and gasped, "Dean, thank you!" He hugged your shoulders and you lifted the cupcake, breaking it in half. You handed him half and you both ate, while Sam scoffed and muttered, "Where's mine?"

"Sam!!" You shrieked as he dumped a bucket of ice water over you, Dean laughing behind the camera. You glared at both the boys, and then Castiel appeared. You grinned and yelled, "Cassie!!!" He froze and you ran and hugged him, still dripping wet. He staggered backwards and the angel reached up to pat your back and muttered, "Happy twenty-seventh, (y/n). Now please release me, you are rather cold and wet." Laughter echoed through the room as you let go of Cas and turned on Dean. He tossed the camera to Sam and ran from the room, you dripping as you pursued him.

You sat curled up next to Dean on the couch, his arm draped over your shoulder, both looking into the camera. You looked up at him and said, "I love you, you know that? All those years ago when you started this I hated it, now it's amazing. A day of our lives every year documented." He smiled and said, "Well, there is something important I want to document. He removed his arm and turned so he was facing you.

"(Y/n), I love you more than my own life. More than I ever thought I could love anyone. And I know I will never stop loving you. So, will you, (y/n) (y/l/n), please marry me?" He knelt next to the couch and lifted the ring. You put your hand over your mouth and nodded in shock. You held out your left hand and Dean slid the ring on and you hugged him. He whispered in your ear, "Happy twenty eighth birthday (y/n)."

"I hate you!" The scream echoed through the motel and you stormed into the living room, and saw the camera sitting on the table, left there when you and Dean had stormed out of the room, arguing. You knelt next to it and looked into the lens, twisting your engagement ring. The two of you still hadn't gotten married, even though a year had passed. There was simply no time. You sighed and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that." Dean's voice came from behind you, "I know, neither did I. I love you."

"You know what? Who needs a big ceremony and a fancy dress? Let's just go down to the courthouse and get married. Right now." Dean smiled, grabbing the camera off the table and stood, pulling you up. He nodded and the two of you ran out to the Impala.

Dean sat on the couch, twisting his wedding ring as he watched the videos on the tv. He felt a tear slide down his cheek as he watched the four of you dancing for your twenty fifth birthday, you chasing them around dripping ice water the day before you turned twenty seven, and the two of you signing marriage documents the day before your twenty ninth. He gulped as the video stopped and reached for the camera sitting next to him. He turned it on and watched the ending of the latest video, filmed yesterday. The two of you were preparing to leave your house to join Sam on an emergency hunt, even though you hadn't hunted in months. You turned to the camera and yelled, "I'm gonna be thirty tomorrow baby!" Dean's laughter came from off screen and he said, "(Y/n), I can't believe you used to be camera shy. You laughed and the camera followed you out the door to the Impala and he set it on the dash, turning it so you were both visible, huddled close.

"I can't believe that you want to do this hunt." He muttered, starting her up. You shrugged, and reached for the camera. It showed black and your voice came through muffled, "Maybe we shouldn't film this part." With that the video ended and Dean set the camera down. He buried his face in his hands and reached for your wedding and engagement rings, hanging from a chain on his neck. Sitting alone in the dark living room he choked out a few simple words around his tears, "Happy thirtieth birthday, (y/n)."

A/N Woohoo! I'm on Season six, about seven episodes in (fight the fairies)! So, should I add in any new characters? The options are: Gabriel, Lucifer, Crowley, Balthazar, and Bobby (as a dad/mentor only). Let me know!

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