Chapter Five

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(A/N) My apology's for my late update. The start of the story was poorly written but I'll change that don't you worry! This is Chapter Five. Really hope it turns out as I planned it would. :p

Please vote, or leave a quick comment, because it'll only take a second just to let me know what you think of it. :)


It was the next morning and nothing could be more worse. My mind had been flashing back to when Finn acted that way around me and it always made me feel strange. Finn made me feel strange. So much that he made me feel important for once. 

Which, obviously was a new thing for me. I had never been treated that way by a guy, or even by anyone in general. This just shows that maybe this year things will turns around. 

As I finished getting changed, I carried my limp legs down the stairs, to the table. This'll be interesting.- My brain says as a matter of fact. 

The first thing my eyes flicked to was Finn leaning over the table. Everyone else must still be asleep. I kept quiet, thinking if I should just rush back up stairs or deal with him. 

Quite frankly, I was too late, as he spun around and a smirk quickly formed on his lips. 

"Hey beautiful." he said, winking afterwards. Did he just wink at me?

I hung my head low, my blushing soon would arrive and give me away. I took a seat next to him, though far enough that he wouldn't try anything weird. :/

"Don't be frightened." he turned his head to me, his elbow resting on the counter.

His body was still scented with smoke, and other strange toxic stenches that filled my nostrils. I gave him a quick smile. 

He shuffled closer to me, his head lowering to my level before lifting my chin up and making full eye contact. His face was only inches away.

"I can change your mind if you are frightened of me darlin'." he said, biting his lip. Is he trying to seduce me?

I managed to slip away from his grasp, shuffling the opposite way from him to avoid any other tricks he was trying to pull. Like that'll work!

He lowly chuckled.

"Come on baby." he said, his eyes beginning to wander. What do I do?

"I'll be back." I told him, my lousy excuse to avoid him should hopefully work. 

"Where are you going?" he said, his voice riddled with mischief.

I began heading up the stairs, though I could sense I was starting some sort of game for him. I some how sensed that this was fun for him, and me being the target, was something that he craved for. 

"Wait up." he demanded, his voice now beginning to seem controlling. Please, leave me alone for a tad. 

I slightly picked up my speed, but he saw my intention and caught up. 

"You aren't going to get away that easy love." he said, a chuckle slipping out. He knew that it annoyed me, and quite frankly he enjoyed doing so. 

I slid past him, and into the bathroom to do my hair. Hopefully this will make him a liitle bored, and he'll go. 

"Allow me." he ordered, grasping the hair brush; his hand skimming on mine which gave me an electric shock almost. 

Don't argue, or you'll make it worse!

He began doing the job, lightly brushing my hair and pulling it up with a hair tie. I was almost certain he was only doing it to get closer to me, because he was only inches away from me, and it gave me chills all from my head to my toes. 

He bowed his head down to mine; now that my hair was out of the way I was certain I knew what he was trying to achieve here. A hickey, seriously. 

He bit lightly at the revealed skin, which caused me to flinch and I attempted to move away. He didn't let go though, and just followed me as I stepped back. His lips made contact with my neck again, now that I was pressed up on the bathroom wall, I wasn't getting away this easily. 

I wasn't sure what it was, but Finn was turning into a sickness, that I must've had. I only knew this because part of me didn't want him to stop, in fact it wasn't like me to do that, but I knew that trying to back away, or push him away will only rile him up even more. 

Eventually, it began to sting slightly, which my only quick reaction was to push him away. As I shoved him off of me, his eyes were filled with glee. He must've been so god dam proud of himself. 

Emma what had gotten into you? For starters you liked Jack? Second of all, you still DO like Jack. Now you've received a hickey from Finn. What more are you trying to accomplish because quite frankly you are going down the wrong path.

My brain was right. What had gotten into you. I got out of my trance, as Finn began to speak in a low tone. 

"Now you're mine." he claimed. reaching in for a kiss, that I denied. 

"Fine, but just so you know it'll be there for a few days now. So every time you look at it, think of me." he smirked, before shooting me a quick wink. 

He left the room shortly after, giving me a chance to take a look at it in the mirror. It wasn't difficult to see, I'll give you that. In fact it was very noticeable. Why did I just allow him to do that. What is wrong with me! 

I sighed, and pulled the tie out of my hair, letting it flow down. If Alfie or Jack see it, they'll know that Finn is to blame, and they might get the wrong idea. 

I headed out of the bathroom, attempting to hide it as best I could, because the dark purple blotches on it were tender, and easy to spot. 

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