Criminals, Criminals and Morals

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As a kid your supposed to be taught right and wrong. Yet as a society we don't stop our kids from doing the wrong thing.

My dad told me a couple of real life stories the other day.

One of which was about a man who heard a commotion in his shed. He realised two thieves was nicking his power tools from his shed.

It had happened to him before and this time he decided to take action so he called the police and do you know what the police said?.

They said that there was not enough officers to spare. This obviously annoyed him greatly so half an hour or so later he tried to call them again but this time he told them he had shot one of the thieves.
And guess what happened next?

Ten minutes or so later A swat team arrives and the elderly man who called them was arrested and charged for wasting police time but he got off because the CPS decided not to press charges.

Another story he told me was about when a burglar broke into somebody's house. He didn't realise that there was a dog living in the house.

The dog of course was defending his territory and bit his hand and his leg.

Later the burglar got compensation and the dog of course got put down.

Did the burglar get sent to prison of course not.

It's typical isn't it?.. The people who do the most lowest of the low things and expect the same opportunities as us honest citizens.

Another story my dad told me. It was snowing and my dads friend realised that his van had been broken into.

Anyway they both realised that the thieves were not long gone as they could see footprints in the snow eventually they managed to get the mans tools back.

So the moral of the story I guess is most of the time you can get away with things and other times you can't because eventually Karma does get you and eventually you become very unlucky so don't try it kids!

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