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I've just watched this BBC three program called troll hunters and some people have said you know that it is our responsibility of what we put online. So we can't be ourselves online and we deserve the hate towards us?.

No I think not. I'm sick of people like that and this has actually happened to me.

I knew someone online once and I knew his friend for a short time and o you know what happened? his friend killed himself because of trolls online and bullying in his school.

Here on this program they met a mother of a 14 year old girl who was trolled and then she deleted her twitter but it moved onto facebook. people said she should die etc. but now the young girl has killed herself they are laughing that she is no longer alive sending a skeleton with her face on it.

Before the young girl took her own life she wrote this poem

Izzy's poem 'I Give Up'

I arrive,

Happy and fresh,

Ready and excited

To celebrate the goodness.

I am eager and keen to have a good time.

As I smile from the bubbles of anticipation whizzing around my stomach,

I begin to see the crowd,

I see more people,

Many are happy and joyful.

They're there like me,

To celebrate,

I smile at them and say hello to the many faces I see,

They look shocked and surprised to see me,

I question their judgmental glares as I wonder,

'What have I done wrong?'

I see their drinks swilling in their fingers as their backs begin to face me.

I try to edge my way back into the circle of giggles and talking,

They push me away.

I stand still,

My eyes glazed and absent.

Suddenly they call me over,

I think, 'yes! They've noticed me!'

But then it begins,

They start to ask questions,

As to why I am there.

They begin to tell me that nobody wants me there,

They tell me to leave and that I am not wanted,

Not there, not anywhere,

My heart,

My head,

My body,


I feel pricks of stinging begin to pinch my eyes as cheeks begin to burn.

'Don't let them see you,

Don't show them that you're weakened,

Weakened by their remarks',

'Stay strong' I think,

But it's too late,

My palms, clammy,

My cheeks, streaming,

My neck, sweating.

I walk quickly away from the chanting and laughing,

My vision, spinning,

My heart, beginning to break.

I look down and walk,

My eyes drowning in a sea of emotion.

Another piece of me chiselled away by their cruel remarks and perceptions,

I give up. 

People have been sending horrible messages to her memorial page here:

Remember that boy I knew that I told you about? Well, that was some years ago now but I remember he sent me a link f a picture of the boy who was his friend.

I believe this was him.

So don't bully people online.. let people be who they are and love them instead. because in my experince even though I knew who my troll was and his gf had joined in with the trolling and hacking that does'nt make it hurt any less.

So can we please start thinking about others and look into your heart before you post.

If you want to watch the BBC THREE program you can do here:

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