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"Yes mum," " No mum," "I have to go now," "Okay love you too," "Goodbye."

My mother was so interested in my life that I had to tell her everything. She pointed out the irony of the fact that she had asked, a few weeks ago, if the boy I was going with was Fitz. Him and I weren't dating or anything like that. As a matter of fact, right after the kiss, we acted as though nothing had ever happened. The situation was one to run away from, and luckily, Fitz and I are very good at running away from our problems. But tonight was the night, the night that Fitz and I forget everything that has happened and celebrate his birthday. It wasn't easy being in denial of my feelings but I have gotten pretty good at it over the past few years. Now I was looking at a worse option called 'acceptation that I'm in love with Fitz.'

I guess accepting that I was in love with Fitz might be easier, if I didn't have to see him everyday and it wasn't his birthday.

I had 5 hours until I see Fitz tonight for his birthday. My gift to him might have been better than the whole night's plan itself.
Now it was back to the 'talking to myself while getting ready'. The boiler room? What would I wear to the boiler room? I wanted to look nice, of course, but I felt that this place was more of a casual setting. I never dress to impress but it seems like I should start learning the art of doing so.

"3 and a half hours, Jemma," I paced back to my closet, "You have more than 3 hours."

I continued to walk from my drawers to my closet and then back to my drawers hoping that any moment a new shirt will appear. Obviously one never did and I had, speaking melodramatically, a thousand options. From jeans, to a skirt, or a dress, or a blouse, or a jacket; I couldn't stand being indecisive. I had to settle on one article of clothing and that was like trying to pick out my favorite chemical compound. I wish I could call someone, besides my mother, for outfit advice because I had none.

"Jeans," I threw a light pair on the bed.

"red flannel," I threw it back onto the bed alongside the jeans. "And a black tank-top"
But I was only kidding myself; I'm far from finished being that my hair and makeup has yet to be started.

I never thought I'd make it through, but I'm alive, hair pulled back so that it fell to my mid back, and makeup that looked as natural as possible. Another thing that needed to be natural was my attitude around him. 25 minutes to spare and Fitz was going to be ready, for I would never be ready. Sitting on my bed, I opened up my novel to start reading because it calmed my nerves.

Sooner than later, I had to bring myself to the door of his room. His present in hand behind my back, I knocked on the door. Quiet fidgeting and drawer slamming was heard from the other side of the wooden door before it swung open to reveal Fitz. I didn't even look at him, I just instantly wrapped my arms around him.

"Happy birthday, Leo."

"Thank you, Jemma."

"Here, come in really quick," He said guiding me inside.

The door shut behind us, "Here, I got you something."

"Oh you didn't have to do that, Simmons." he shook his head smiling, "You have done so much for me over the past few months, I should be showering you with gifts."

"Fitz, it's your birthday, just open it." I said pushing the small box toward him. A card was taped atop of the medium-sized box.

"If you say so." He said pulling the card off and setting it aside before diving into the box. I was relieved that he had yet to read the card, it was something to save till afterward. He pulled the box from the paper and inside revealed a navy and gold watch. Not exactly a Rolex but his face lit up as if he had just been given a bar of gold. He smiled so wide, but not at the watch, but at me. He couldn't take his eyes off me, he just glanced at the watch. "Jemma this is the best thing anyone has ever given me," he paused and looked down, he looked as if he wanted to say something else.

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