Chapter five;

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I gulped silently as my dad stared at me, his arms folded across his chest as he gave me a disapproving look.

"Are you going to tell me or stand there quietly?" 

"Mine wouldn't turn on when I tried it." 

"Drew, you're full of shit." My dad chuckled. If there's anyone in this family that can see straight through someone's lies, it's my dad.

"Dad I swear." Rolling his eyes, he typed in his correct password and unlocked his laptop before beginning to type away. Turning on my heels, I began heading up the stairs hoping that my dad wouldn't mention it anymore. "Oh and stay upstairs, Jaden and everyone are coming over for a meeting." He stated, not turning his attention away from his laptop.

"What about?" I asked, even although I knew that it had to be gang related stuff. Maybe he is aware that there's a new gang around, and that they're starting to get a name for themselves by robbing banks and stuff.

"Nothing that'll concern you son." He replied, causing me to sigh silently as I headed into my room. I whipped out my phone, quickly texting Ashton.

'I couldn't get on the laptop.' 

Within seconds he replied, 'You're an idiot. Meeting tonight, my place at 11.' 

'You know I won't be able to get away from my parents.'  

'You could climb out the window for all I care. Be there tonight otherwise you're in deep shit McCann.' 

I need to make sure that I'm here for when my dad has his meeting. I don't know what the hell I would do with myself if he ever found out what's been going on, he would kill me. 


It was just before nine when my uncle Jaden arrived with a few other guys from the gang, and they headed into the meeting room. Once I had made sure that they were all in there, I silently crept down the stairs, making sure that my dad didn't hear me. I stood just behind the door and tried to listen to their conversation, but the locked door made it almost impossible. I couldn't hear a word anyone was saying.

"Drew, what are you doing?" I heard my mom ask from behind me, making me jump. 

"Nothing, I didn't realise you were home mom. How was your day at work?"

"It was fine thanks honey, but now tell me why you're listening in on your dad's meeting." 

"I wasn't listening in-"

"Just eavesdropping?" She cut me off, raising her eyebrows at me. 

"Just don't say anything mom." I whined. Mom was the only person I could trust, and I know she wouldn't tell dad. 

"Okay, Okay, I won't. But you better not be thinking about getting involved in gangs and shit, you would be out of this house before you could even say sorry." She replied, walking back into the kitchen.  Once her back was turned, I gulped quietly, heading slowly back upstairs. Would they really kick me out? I would have absolutely nowhere to go, Jake's mom and dad wouldn't let me stay because their house isn't big enough, and as for Ashton, quite frankly I would rather be on the streets. 

I really need to get myself out of this gang. 


I silently shut the door behind me, making sure that I didn't wake my parents or Alyssa. I saw Andy, guy from the gang, sitting waiting in the driveway, Jake sitting in the front seat. Once I was in the car, I buckled up my seatbelt muttering a quick hello to Andy and Jake. 

"Drew do you have any idea what this meeting is about?" Andy questioned.

"I couldn't tell you, do you guys?" 

"Not a clue, why the hell would Ashton schedule a meeting at eleven at night." Jake grumbled, rubbing his eyes. 

"I'm getting sick of this gang." I admitted.

"Ashton won't let you leave, trust me." Andy replied.

"How come?"

"I've been in this gang for four years now, I tried to leave when I was younger, I had only been in the gang for a few months, but he wouldn't let me leave. Threatening me that he was going to kill me, my family. You've been in the gang longer than what I was when you tried to leave, and because of the fact that your Jason McCann's son, there's no chance he's letting you go." Andy was a few years older than me and Jake, he's 22.

"He's an idiot if he thinks that he could ever come anywhere near my family. My dad would kill him before he even came close." I scoffed, looking out the window, finding that we were pulling into Ashton's driveway. The three of us got out of the car and headed into his house. There were already another 4 cars on his driveway, we must be the last to arrive. We headed inside and towards the meeting room, where Ashton was sitting the top of the table, everyone's staring at us as we wandered in five minutes late.

"Nice of you guys to show up." Ashton commented sarcastically. "I know what you're all thinking, why the hell has he called a meeting at eleven at night, it's because we have a mission, and we're doing it tomorrow night. We're robbing a bank on the east side of town."

"Why does it have to be done tomorrow?" Andy asked.

"We need the money, I owe another gang about $50,000."

"What the hell for?" Andy repeated in a sharp tone.

"Drugs and stuff." He shrugged. "I need every single one of you there, and if anyone gets in your way, shoot them. I've bought a load of pistols for you all and they're downstairs in the basement. Tomorrow, be here at 8:30, we'll make our way down and should get to the bank at nine. I mean it guys, we're not taking any prisoners. Anyone gets in your way or tries to stop you, kill them." His orders made me gulp quietly. I only joined this gang so that I didn't have to kill anyone. "McCann, did you find out about your father?" He asked, even although I had already told him the answer.

"No, I didn't." I replied sharply. 

"Meeting dismissed. Drew, stay here." He commanded, making me sigh loudly. 

"What do you want now?" I grumbled, sitting back in my seat.

"I mean it Drew, about tomorrow." 

"What do you mean?" 

"You're the only person in this gang that is hesitant to kill someone. I mean it, you better do it." He stated sternly. With a simple nod of my head, I stood up and walked out, making sure to slam the door behind me.

I do not want to do this mission. 

What is Drew doing? 

Do you think he'll get caught out by his mom?

Tune into the next couple of chapters, it's going to have a lot of drama (; 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2016 ⏰

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