Man's Best Wingman

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"I'm sorry, but how many dogs have I pet today?" You asked (y/b/f/n) as the two of you walked down the street.

"Like twenty," (he/she) responded.

"Still, that isn't nearly enough," you said.

"You can't pet every dog in New York, (y/n)," (y/b/f/n) said, shaking (his/her) head.

"Just watch me," you replied, taking it as a challenge.

"(Y/n), no," (he/she) said, seeing where this was going. You continued walking down the street where you saw a man walking a Golden Labrador puppy.

"I'm gonna pet that dog," you said, already zeroed in on it. Despite your friend's protests, you were already on your way to the dog and his owner. You took no notice of his owner, only looking at him briefly as you asked, "Can I pet your dog?"

"Uh, sure. Go ahead," he replied, taken off guard. You kneeled down next to the dog, petting his head as he wiggled around and tried playing with you.

"He's so cute, what's his name?" You asked, finally taking the time to look up at the man who was walking him. You were taken aback seeing that you'd approached a very attractive man while on your new mission to pet every dog in New York.

"This is Lucky, and I'm Loki," the man responded with a smile.

"Oh, sorry, my name's (y/n)," you said, giving the dog one last pat on the head before standing up.

"Jesus, (y/n), you left me all the way back there just to pet a freaking dog?" (Y/b/f/n) panted as (he/she) finally caught up with you. "Who's this?" (He/she) asked as (he/she) saw Loki.

"I'm Loki," he said, waving slightly while trying to calm Lucky down.

"He's yours?" (Y/b/f/n) asked, gesturing to the wriggling puppy.

"No, I'm taking care of him for a friend while he's out of town," Loki explained as Lucky finally sat still. "He's really a handful."

"Your friend or Lucky?" You joked.

"Both," Loki laughed. "I've got to get running, Lucky's got an appointment at the groomer's. I'd love to see you again, could I get your number?"

"Oh, yeah, sure," you said, taking his phone as he offered it. You quickly out in your number and handed it back, trying to fight the blush you felt growing on your face. Loki smiled and said goodbye to you both before walking away, Lucky trotting close behind.

"Now," you said, "let's go find some more dogs to pet."

"You're unbelievable," (y/b/f/n) groaned. "But next attractive dog owner we bump into, I call dibs."

"Whatever you say, I've got a mission," you replied.

"It wasn't an actual challenge."

"I know."

"You're still taking it as one, aren't you?"

"You bet I am."

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